Yolanda Gutiérrez and Maeloc, reaching for the Olympics


Yolanda Gutiérrez trains every day with her mind set on reaching the mark that will open the doors to the Olympic Games in Rio 2016. A demanding goal but within reach which, as she says, is basically to “run as fast as possible”, and to keep up the pace for the 26 exhausting miles that a marathon lasts. Achieving it will depend on training but also on attitude. This is not the first time that Yolanda proves that there is no unique way to do things. As an unstoppable social worker, she discovered her talent for athletics late in life and by chance. For the last 11 years she has combined both passions, even if it meant adding more hours to long days. She has turned her sporting success into success for others by donating a large part of her winnings to charities.

Now, for the first time, the Galician athlete has the opportunity to fulfill her Olympic dream and Maeloc will be by her side all the way. There are many competitions ahead, some as special as the popular Coruña10 race in October or the great New York Marathon in November. These races will help her improve her training, but also help her enjoy the journey until she reaches the Spanish Marathon Championship , to be held in Seville in February next year; the results of which will determine if Yolanda qualifies for Rio 2016 or not. She recounts her day to day progress in A Xanela dunha Maratoniana on Facebook. Follow her and let her remind you to #bewhoyouwanttobe

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