Arqueixal brings its commitment to the countryside to the Mercado de la Cosecha this week

CommitmentCSR @en

Awareness of and a dignified country life are two of Arqueixal’s main objectives from its family-run farm in Santiago de Albá, in the area of Ulloa (Lugo). The ecological production of milk, yoghurts and cheese, arises from its concerns with the environment and sustainable development, and this activity is enhanced by an active eco-agritourism project and a number of initiatives to raise awareness of ethnographic and ethnological heritage of rural Galicia.

Their support of rural areas via a concept of ecology and sustainability has led to Arqueixal being included in the community of exemplary initiatives that make up the Mercado de la Cosecha, a social commitment project created by Corporación Hijos de Rivera, R andGadis .

Arqueixal will participate in the Mercado de la Cosecha Pop-Up Store in A Coruña 16-21 September. The store opening times are from Tuesday to Sunday, 11am-2pm and 6pm-10pm. During the six days that Arqueixal will be at the Mercado de la Cosecha Pop-Up Store there will be a number of activities, all of which are open to the public:

-Tuesday, 16 September (7.30pm) “Arqueixal: Unha forma de vida sustentable” (“Arqueixal: A sustainable way of life”) (Sandra González Sousa, Masters (Univ. of Barcelona) in Cultural Heritage Management and Arqueixal activities Coordinator )

– Wednesday, 17 September (7.30pm.): Hand-made traditional cheese making workshop

– Friday, 19 September (7.30pm.): Presentation of “É TEMPO D´ALDEA: Actividades para escolares” (“It’s village time”: Activities for school-children)

– Saturday, 20 September (7.30pm.): “Elvira, A Descuberta da Rebordela: Unha viaxe ao pasado” (“Elvira, The Discovery of Rebordela: A journey into the past”)

Anyone who wishes to participate in the activities can reserve a place at the store or on 881 922 194. 

About Arqueixal

Arqueixal is a family-run farm located in Santiago de Albá, in the Ulloa area in the province of Lugo. Arquixal promotes sustainable rural development from an ecological, economic and social perspective, blending the four basic pillars that make up the foundation of its philosophy and way of life, all with the utmost respect for the environment and commitment to their surroundings.

The first pillar that makes up the foundation of this family-run farm is Milk Production, the origin and essence of its ecological products; the second, organic cheese, fruit of traditional knowledge and backed by the Denominación de Origen Arzúa-Ulloa; the third, is Active Eco-agritourism, a bioconstruction model, certified by CERES and integrated within the Spanish ECOTUR network, and the last but not least, what is called Knowledge Culture, a pillar used to put forward different experiences which increase awareness, add value and publicises the ethnographic and ethnological heritage of rural Galicia, while promoting a viable, sustainable way of life which respects the environment.

What is the Mercado de la Cosecha Pop-up Store?

The Mercado de la CosechaPop-Up store is a project driven by Corporación Hijos de Rivera, Gadis and R whose main objective is to promote the socioeconomic development of Galicia and the sustainability of rural areas. A temporary concept remaining open only until the beginning of October, the shop will serve to spread and promote exemplary initiatives stemming from the countryside, transmitting their philosophy and most authentic flavour to the public.

Every week until the beginning of October, the store will change its image and protagonist. The store has already seen Cortes de Muar cheeses, Ecoceltaearthworm compost, the free-range eggs, and jams of Pazo de Vilane, the oils of Olei, the games of Buxaina, Daveiga mariñeira biscuits, the cream biscuits of Granxa Maruxa, and the contemporary basket-making of Idoia Cuesta, all of them innovative initiatives that are worth sharing.

In the following weeks, the Mercado de la Cosecha store will be visited by the apples from which Maeloc cider is made (23-28 September) and the grapes used for our Ponte da Boga wines (30 September-5 October). The last week (7-12 October) will be a round-up of all the products.


Location: 38, Calle Riego de Agua; A Coruña

Opening times: 11am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm

Registration and Reservations: Anyone who wishes to take part in the activities can reserve a place at the store or on 881 922 194

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