We bring back the recipe created by the first generation of the Rivera family

Product LaunchesProducts
La Estrella de Galicia

With the launch of La Estrella de Galicia, the company revives the original recipe of 1906 that pays homage to the first generation of the Rivera family and its founder José María Rivera Corral.

After the success of its launch as a Special Edition 2016 to commemorate the 110th anniversary, this recipe will now be a permanent addition to our product portfolio.

La Estrella de Galicia

Estrella Galicia is reviving the first generation recipe with which the company launched its first beer. This new launch, La Estrella de Galicia, is back to stay and represents the essence of hard work and beer culture gathered throughout these 111 years of the company’s history.

The passion and dedication demonstrated by our first master brewers in their day with the creation of this German pils-style beer returns with this launch, that is also a look back to pay homage to the first generation of the Rivera family and the Company’s founder, José María Rivera Corral.

Our current master brewers have been able to retrieve the original recipe, a German pils-style beer, thanks to intense research into the history of the brand and original documents of the day. To accompany this product that has such important significance for us, special labels have been designed with a vintage look to replicate the original bottles launched, bringing together an avant-garde nuance and the product’s inherent traditional touch.

Consumer opinion.

To celebrate our 110th anniversary in 2016, Estrella Galicia created this special commemorative edition that brought together the essence of hard work and beer culture gathered throughout all these years.

This Limited Edition was launched on-trade and off-trade in Spain, where it was available until the end of 2016. We also asked consumer opinion about this new product, which was a great success among all those that took part on line, on 110aniversario.estrellagalicia.es, and via the QR code on the packs. That is why we have decided to add this beer to our permanent product portfolio.

A vintage and elegant beer.

La Estrella de Galicia represents a journey back in time to 1906 with all the details carefully taken care of so that this edition has that vintage air that reminds one of the first beer created by Estrella Galicia.

It is a golden lager, clean and refreshing, in which the malt and hops express themselves in an elegant and balanced manner that satisfies all beer lovers. On the palate it is equally sweet and bitter. Its aroma brings to mind Pilsen malt and bread crust, with subtle fresh, fruity and herbal hints.

However, its aroma is not the only aspect that has been carefully looked after. La Estrella de Galicia has elements designed as they would have been in 1906. So, the bottle top resembles the very first one produced by the brand, and the logo on the label is printed on laid paper that adds texture and strength to the vintage image of the bottle.

La Estrella de Galicia will be available on-trade and off-trade from this week, in packs of six 33cl bottles.


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    Corporación Hijos de Rivera S.L. c/ José María Rivera Corral, nº6. 15008 A GRELA – A CORUÑA


    +34 981 901 906

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