The search is on for the Best Beer Puller in Andalusia


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The aspirants to the title of best puller in Andalusia can sign up to participate in the Estrella Galicia Campeonato de Tiraje de Cerveza, (Estrella Galicia Beer Pulling Championship) a regional phase that will allow the champion and runner-up to compete for the national title in the grand final to be held at the beginning of 2016.

The contest will consist of two classifying phases and a grand final. In the first phase in Eastern Andalusia professionals who, representing their respective establishments or companies, are located in the provinces of Málaga, Granada, Almería and Jaén can participate. It will be held on Monday 5 October in Carmen de los Favores in Granada. The 5 finalists will automatically go through to the grand final and the winner can win €300, the runner-up €200, and 3 consolation prizes. In addition, all will win their weight in beer and their travel costs to the grand final in Seville. The deadline to sign up for this first phase will close on 28 September.

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On Monday 19 October the Western Andalusia phase will be held at the Escuela Superior de Hostelería in Seville with aspirants from the provinces of Córdoba, Seville, Huelva and Cádiz being able to sign up from the 28 September to the 12 October on the Estrella Galicia webpage. Following the same process, the 5 finalists of this phase will compete against the 5 finalists of Eastern Andalusia with the aim of obtaining the title of Best Beer Puller in Andalusia.

Participation is open to all those professionals who, representing their respective establishments or companies, are located in any part of the region. The rules and form to sign up for free are on the Estrella Galicia web page: ( Among them all, a total of 30 participants will be at each phase of the contest representing the different areas of the region.

The jury, which will be made up of experts from the beer, catering and restaurant sectors, will have to work hard to evaluate the quality and excellence of the aspirants’ service, as well as their knowledge about beer. The jury will analyse each exercise and award points, according to previously defined parameters, for style, technique and the level of perfection when pulling a beer, and its final presentation

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After the success of past editions, Estrella Galicia has decided to once again test the skills and quality of service of catering professionals throughout Spain with the aim of rewarding the talent and effort of barmen when serving the product at its optimum point for the consumer to enjoy.

Last year, Javier Sánchez from Cervecería Gorila de Jerez not only won the regional title but he also won Best Beer Puller in Spain at the national championship held in Madrid which he participated in representing Andalusia.

The grand final will be held at the beginning of 2016 with the winners of the previous regional phases.

The aim of this championship is to promote beer culture and tradition, the values of beer as a product of excellence within the food and beverage industry, and acknowledge the work carried out by bartenders as a fundamental link in the distribution chain of Estrella Galicia products. Professionalism in catering establishments is fundamental to offer end consumers the full range of possibilities a premium beer such as Estrella Galicia has to offer.

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