The “5KM Solidarios” race reaches A Coruña

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5KM Solidarios

5KM Solidarios

Registration is now open for anyone who wishes to participate in the third edition of this charity race, which will take place for the first time in A Coruña, on Sunday 19 November at 11am. This sporting and charity event, supported by the volunteers at Corporación Hijos de Rivera, will donate all money raised to the Banco de Alimentos Rías Altas (Rias Altas Food Bank). 

The third edition of the ‘5KM Solidarios’ charity race, supported by Corporación Hijos de Rivera and organised by the Banco de Alimentos Rías Alta and the NGO AIRE, will be held in A Coruña for the very first time.

The race will be held on Sunday 19 November at 11am, and consists of a round circuit of 5 kilometres, leaving from our Estrella Galicia facilities, in José María Rivera Corral Street in the industrial estate of Agrela.

This sporting and charity event will donate all the money raised to the Banco de Alimentos Rías Altas of A Coruña, to help in its collection and delivery of food for those who need it.

Anyone can take part, with no age restrictions, and the circuit can be done either by walking or running. Pets can also take part, as long as they are on leads.

Registration costs €5 per person, which is a donation, and the deadline is the day before the race on Deporticket, and on race day itself, up to 30 minutes before the start at the registration stand.

Anyone who cannot or does not wish to participate in the race, but would like to collaborate, can do so by sending in a donation (under the name “Dorsal 0”) on Deporticket or via a bank transfer (account number: ES17 2100 2215 7602 0026 2868) with the payment reference ‘Dorsal 0’.


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N34 - DICIEMBRE 2019




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    Corporación Hijos de Rivera S.L. c/ José María Rivera Corral, nº6. 15008 A GRELA – A CORUÑA

    +34 981 901 906

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