Share the Parladoiros experience 2014 online

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Parladorios 2014 en Youtube

The initiatives that are revolutionising the Galician countryside  are available on our Youtube channel. 

The Parladoiros 2014 (Roundtables 2014) have taken a leap onto Internet. After surprising over 300 people on 23 April in Teatro Rosalia, the moment to make all those positive and enthusiastic messages from those who are revolutionising the Galician countryside travel as far as possible has arrived.  In order to achieve this, you can share the event in a number of ways.

On one hand, each of the monologues and interviews from this 2014 edition can be enjoyed independently. On the Parladoiros 2014 play list, the eight talks can be found: Germán García from Cortes de Muar, Xosé Lois Lamazares and his Daveiga biscuits, Idioia Cuesta and her traditional basket making, Nuria Varela-Portas from Pazo de Vilane, Miguel Areán from Castañas Naiciña, Santiago Pérez from Finca de los Cuervos, Miguel Soto from the Ullama cooperative  and the renowned French wine expert Dominique Roujou de Boubee.

In addition, the most surprising messages that they all left us have been put together with the hash tag #ComparteLoNuestro (#ShareWhat’sOurs), videos of under 20 seconds, ideal for sharing on social networks.

All these videos are available on the Mercado de la Cosecha (Harvest Market) webpage and on the MundoHR Channel on Youtube and soon the music acts, the making of and some of the more special moments of the Parladoiros 2014 will also be published.

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