Ponte da Boga Godello, awarded Baco de Oro 2014


Ponte da Boga

On 29 May the list of wines that participated in the Premios Baco 2014 was published, an annual contest that is a barometer to measure the quality of the most recent vintage in Spain and, after almost 30 editions, has become consolidated as one of the longest-running contests held in Spain, and are annually recognised by the Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment).

A total of fifty judges, all members of the Unión Española de Catadores (Spanish Wine Tasters Union), were in charge of evaluating the strict blind tasting of all the wines entered into the Baco Cosecha 2014 Awards. Among them was our Ponte da Boga Godello, which has won the Premio Baco de Oro (Bacchus Great Gold) from among over 400 young wines that competed, from practically all the wine-producing areas that had entered the contest.

The total anonymity of the samples presented to the jury which is obtained by introducing the bottles in opaque sleeves, having the wines served by sommeliers from the Hotel Escuela de la Comunidad de Madrid and using official profile sheets used by the Spanish Wine Tasters Union for the main Spanish and international wine tasting contests, guarantees absolute objectivity in the marks awarded.

This award, from the Spanish Wine Tasting Union, specially endorses the effort made by Ponte da Boga to distinguish itself as a winery characterised by the personality and elegance of its wines, when faced with the strength of many of its competitors in the tasting panels and on the market. The Bacos de Oro awards acknowledge the quality of the wines from our winery in the Ribeira Sacra and are awards of undeniable positional value for our wines with regards to the work carried out by the Hijos de Rivera commercial network.

The Baco de Oro was awarded to the Godello 2014, but at Corporación Hijos de Rivera we welcome it as recognition to the work, constancy and commitment of all the team at Adega Ponte da Boga and its wine-growers in the search for excellence in our wines year after year.

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