“Más allá de la estética” (“Beyond aesthetics”) is the title of the last talk of this edition of the 12miradas programme by the cultural manager Sergio Pardo López


The cultural manager, curator and architect who resides in New York, specialising in cultural policies and public art, will participate in the12 Miradas :: Riversidecycle offering his vision of art through images of reference to him.

On 26 December at 20:30 he will offer a talk at the Vilaseco Gallery in A Coruña to inaugurate his exhibition.

The 12 Miradas::Riversidecycle, developed by Carlos Quintáns and supported by Corporación Hijos de Rivera and Laboratorio Creativo Vilaseco welcomes Sergio Pardo López, one of the most international Galician cultural managers on the contemporary art scene. 

In his talk, “Más allá de la estética” (“Beyond aesthetics”) Sergio Pardo will weave his professional career and his references and influences, emphasising the importance of art and culture as catalyst for dialogue, social commitment, and economic development for any territory or institution. 

He will address initiatives and projects carried out in Spain, Italy and the US from the perspective of the manager, curator and facilitator, defending culture as the main engine of a country. A tour that will place special emphasis on the initiatives and cultural policies of public art and monuments that he manages in New York; projects that seek to make us reflect on the state of culture and public art in our country and on the possible inclusion of similar tools in current public policies. The aim is to generate debate and controversy, with the aim of reviewing what is currently being done in this regard in other latitudes, in order to establish a road map whose main objective is the correct integration of contemporary art into society, allowing present and future generations to question the way we see, hear, think and behave.

On December 26 at 8:30 p.m. there will be a talk at the Galería Vilaseco in A Coruña in which Sergio Pardo will transmit his vision to the audience through his own selection of images, which will also be the inauguration of an exhibition that will be run for one month.

From 12 Miradas :: Riverside, specialists and all those interested will explore 12 combinations of images through talks guided by the story of the same protagonist—, and samples – “work tables” on which small “visual stories” are arranged that invite the viewer to exercise their own way of looking.


Sergio Pardo López

Sergio Pardo López is a cultural manager, curator and architect based in New York, specialising in cultural policies and public art. During his 15 years of experience, he has developed a trajectory linked to the art world from a multidisciplinary perspective. He has participated in the commissioning and management of projects with prestigious institutions such as the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice, the Spanish Pavilion at the 10th Venice Architecture Biennale, the Fundación Canal de Isabel II Foundation, the Casa Encendidain Madrid or the management of the Lola Garrido Collection.

Currently, Sergio is Project Director of the public art programme “Percent for Art Program” of the Department of Culture of New York, a pioneering international program in the discipline of public art. Likewise, he manages the new Law of Monuments of the city, whose objective is to rethink contemporary monuments and recontextualise the existing pieces in New York. Sergio Pardo has been a guest lecturer at various universities and cultural institutions including Cornell University, Christie’s, New York University, TED in Spanish and his work has been mentioned in the New York Times, The Art Newspaper or El País.

Sergio Pardo López graduated in architecture from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (ETSAM), was a visiting student at the Illinois Institute of Technology awarded by the Rafael del Pino Foundation and has a Cultural MBA from the New York University for which he obtained a Fulbright scholarship.

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