Magma de Cabreiroá triumphs at the InnoBev Awards 2017


Magma de Cabreiroá, our Premium mineral water with natural gas, has been awarded ‘Best Packaging Solution’ for its opaque 50cl aluminium bottle, developed to protect the product and transmit its Premium image, at the InnoBev Awards in Frankfurt.

Premio Cabreiroá

“Accelerating Innovation” was the theme chosen for this year by the InnoBev Global Beverages Congress held on the 25th and 26th of April at the Hilton Hotel in Frankfurt, and organized by Zenith Global, global experts in food and beverages.

Around 100 participants, from 25 countries from around the world, were nominated in some of the 18 different categories of this contest that have evaluated variables such as creativity, innovation, marketing or the best environmental practices.

Magma de Cabreiroá
 was the only Spanish participant to win an award at this Congress from Zenith Global Ltd the prize for the ‘Best Solution Packaging’ for finding the best packaging solution for the needs of its product, both in terms of utility and aesthetics.

The format of the opaque, aluminium Magma bottle was also praised by the jury of the contest for offering the best solution to the needs of an intrinsically delicate product that requires maximum protection, and for transmitting the value of a Premium product related to haute cuisine, via a very carefully designed appearance.

Magma is a lightly sparkling mineral water, with fine bubbles that are formed during the filtering process of the water with the combustion gas of the underground magma, at 150m below the ground, which gives it its very special characteristics and organoleptic properties, making it perfect for pairing with haute cuisine.

That is why Cabreiroá has chosen an opaque aluminium bottle that keeps the product’s properties intact so that it reaches the consumer in the same condition as it was taken from the spring.

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