La Tita Rivera O Portiño and We Sustainability create “We R Day”, the event to celebrate world enviroment day

CommitmentEnvironment @enEventsExperiences
Cartel We R day, el evento para celebrar el Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente

“We R day”, the event to celebrate World Environment Day, will take place on Sunday June 5 in the caravan car park of O Portiño and there will be music, a foodtruck, eco workshops, paddle surfing, skateboarding and live demonstrations of waste transformation. The Tita Rivera O Portiño, together with the Galician sustainability platform We Sustainability, reinforces its commitment to sustainability with this awareness-action event.


Cartel We R day, el evento para celebrar el Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente

To celebrate World Environment Day, La Tita Rivera O Portiño and We Sustainability present “We R day”, an awareness-action event to enjoy beach cleaning, food, workshops on environmental activism, demonstration of plastic transformation, skateboarding firsts and music, with the environment as the protagonist.

June 5 is World Environment Day, the most important date in the official United Nations calendar to promote global awareness and action for environmental protection. This year’s theme is “One Earth” which highlights the need to live sustainably, in harmony with nature, through substantial changes driven by policies and everyday choices that guide us towards more regenerative lifestyles.

Due to our commitment to the environment, La Tita Rivera together with the Galician sustainability platform WE sustainability will celebrate the “We R day” event in the caravan park of O Portiño. From midday until 8pm, there will be free access activities for anyone who wants to participate. With the environment as a common thread, there will be workshops, beach cleanings, skateboarding, foodtrucks, a barbecue and the Pulpeira de Melide will be there, all with the music of DJ Fatfish.  From 8pm, in La Tita Rivera O Portiño you can enjoy a session by DJ Eme.

All the information with the complete programme can be seen on the We website,, and on social networks @wesustainability and @latitariveraoportino.

“We R day” invites you to go by urban transport, shared car or bicycle.

With this activity, We Sustainability and La Tita Rivera O Portiño continue with their purpose of promoting a more sustainable lifestyle through awareness-action activities in collaboration, on this occasion, with the City Council of A Coruña.

“We R day”, el evento para celebrar el Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente

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