Ignacio Rivera Quintana, new executive chairman of Corporación Hijos de Rivera


Ignacio Rivera Quintana, nuevo presidente ejecutivo de Corporación Hijos de Rivera


On Thursday, December 16, at the headquarters of the Board of Directors of the Hijos de Rivera Corporation, Ignacio Rivera Quintana was appointed  executive chairman of the family beer group head of Estrella Galicia, among many other beverage brands.

Ignacio Rivera Quintana belongs to the fourth generation of the Rivera family, great-grandson of the founder of the beer company, of which he now assumes the responsibility of leading both the business and the governance of the family group.

He joined the company in 1990 and assumed the Commercial-Marketing Management redesigning the strategy by opening up to foreign markets achieving an unprecedented expansion.

From 1999, as Deputy General Manager and Director of Hijos de Rivera, he continued with the expansion plans, designing and directing the launch of new brands and an ambitious diversification of products, which has shaped the identity that the company presents today and has driven its successful business model.

In 2012 he assumed the position of CEO of Hijos de Rivera and in recent years he has held the position of CEO of the Corporación, until his current appointment as executive president. Ignacio Rivera’s management has stood out for its firm commitment to digitalization, internationalisation, and differentiation, as well as its commitment to generating a positive impact on society. All this has made him one of the most valued and reputable business leaders in our country.

In the words of the outgoing president, Santiago Ojea Rivera:

“This new appointment as Executive Chairman is key and necessary to consolidate our great business project and reinforces the leadership required by all the challenges we face, both in the necessary adaptation to the new global socioeconomic paradigm, and in the ambitious and stimulating growth and expansion plans that he has to lead in the coming years.

A new stage opens before us, with great projects and opportunities in a larger, more complex and constantly changing world. We have to adapt again and, for this, we have a new organizational and governance structure, family and business, which will allow us to achieve the stimulating strategic objectives that are proposed for the coming years. Ignacio has the full confidence and support of both our Board of Directors and our board of  partners.”



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    Corporación Hijos de Rivera S.L. c/ José María Rivera Corral, nº6. 15008 A GRELA – A CORUÑA


    +34 981 901 906

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