Ignacio Rivera, EY Entrepreneur of the Year candidate for Galicia

Ignacio Rivera will represent Galicia in the Spanish final of EY Entrepreneur of the Year. The award is held in Galicia for the very first time this year, at a presentation act closed by Alberto Núñez Feijóo, President of the Xunta de Galicia (Galician Regional Government), attended by prominent entrepreneurs and institutional representatives of the region.

Entrepreneur of the Year

Our CEO, Ignacio Rivera, is the candidate that will represent Galicia at the Spanish final of the EY Entrepreneur of the Year  as was announced at an act held today at the NH Collection Finisterre Hotel in La Coruña with Alberto Núñez Feijoo, President of the Xunta de Galicia (Galician Regional Government), giving the closing speech.

At the event were numerous representatives of the region’s business and institutional world, finalists of previous Entrepreneur of the Year awards and members of the EY management team. Among others, José Luis Perelli (Chairman of EY in Spain), Rafael Roldán (Managing Partner of the Transactions Area at EY), Rafael Páez (Managing Partner of the Audit Area at EY in Spain en España), Marta Fernández Currás (Partner responsible for the EY Galician office), as well as José Luis Ruiz Expósito (EY Partner Responsible for the Entrepreneur of the Year Award in Spain) were present at the event.

Alfonso Martínez (General Manager of BNP Paribas Wealth Management), Julio Fernández (Director of BNP Paribas Corporate & Institutional Banking in Galicia) and Luis Arias (Director of IESE Institutional Relations y Open Programs Madrid) also participated in the event.

Ignacio Rivera will compete, representing Galicia in the Spanish EY Entrepreneur of the Year, which will be held at the beginning of March in Madrid. There, he will compete against the finalists from other regions in Spain, and the 2017 winner will emerge.

So far the candidates that have been announced are those of the region of Valencia, Murcia (Carlos Bertomeu, President of Air Nostrum, and Enrique Silla, CEO of Jeanologia); the North region (Carmen Martínez, President of  Grupo Faustino, and José Ramón Fernández de Barrena, Managing Director of Grupo Uvesco); Andalusia and Extremadura (Antonio Pérez and Antonio Mingorance, Presidents of Bidafarma) and of Galicia, announced today.

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