Hijos de Rivera reaches the 11th position in the category of Over 500 employees in 19th edition of the Ranking Best Workplaces Spain 2021 presented by the consultancy Great Place To Work®, ranking among the Best Companies to Work in Spain in 2021.
9 out of 10 Hijos de Rivera employees state the company is a Great Place to Work. They have obtained a trust index of 78%.
In order to enter this Ranking, employees’ assessment of the company has to be at least 70% in trust and it is necessary to provide detailed information on policies and practices on the care and management of people.

Hijos de Rivera has achieved the 11th position in the category Over 500 employees as one of the Best Companies to Work in Spain in the Ranking Best Workplaces Spain 2021. The prestigious Ranking, in its 19th edition, has been announced by the consultancy Great Place to Work®, leader in the creation and certification of Excellent Places to Work. For the 2021 edition, Great Place To Work® analysed 253 companies of different sizes and sectors, which involved the opinion of 285,514 workers.
Following a diagnosis of the organizational environment, which includes sending a questionnaire to employees and a specific assessment of the culture of people management, Hijos de Rivera has obtained this recognition that proves that it is an organization with a culture of high trust, in which its employees are motivated to give their best.
In particular, the results of the survey reveal the special valuations that its professionals offer regarding pride of being part of the organization (90%), the honesty of the managers (87%), and pride in teamwork (84%), among others.
For Ignacio Rivera, CEO of Corporación Hijos de Rivera: “Being recognized as one of the best companies to work in Spain shows that we continue to grow in our goal of being a company where the most important thing is people.”
“Hijos de Rivera is synonymous with excellence in relationships between people, combined with the prestige and solvency of their brand. Year after year they work to continue improving because they know that the main ingredient of their success is people.” concludes María Vento, Director of Cultural Diagnostics and Ranking Best Workplaces within Great Place to Work®.
Great Place to Work® is the consulting firm that for over 30 years has been working with companies around the world to identify, create and maintain high-confidence, high-performance cultures helping organizations become Better Places to Work.