Hijos de Rivera achieves zero emissions at its main facilities

Instalaciones A Coruña Hijos de Rivera

The Galician company reachesthis milestone as part of an ambitious long-term plan in which it has invested great effort and resources in recent years to transform the activity of its main factories with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality.

With the use of cleaner energies and support for forest conservation projects it has  achieved carbon neutrality in the brewery, the three mineral water springs, as well as its companies in Malaga, Portugal and Brazil.

Ignacio Rivera, CEO of Hijos de Rivera, notes that “this milestone is the result of a determined and coordinated effort by all our people for years to be at the forefront of the sector in terms of sustainability. We’ve come a long way, but many milestones lie ahead and our commitment is firm: we’re not going to change the world, but we’re going to do everything in our power to make it better. “

Instalaciones A Coruña Hijos de Rivera

Hijos de Rivera confirms its commitment to sustainability and positive impact generation by announcing the achievement of a goal in which it has invested great efforts and resources in recent years. The Galician  company has achieved carbon neutrality in its main facilities,  which is technically equivalent to the activity carried out in them generating zero emissions.

This goal has been achieved through an ambitious plan to reduce the company’s carbon footprint which in recent years has transformed the day-to-day life of the organisation in favour of the use of cleaner energies. The generation of biogas, the use of renewable energies, the installation of photovoltaic plants, the incorporation of hybrid vehicles or the replacement of equipment in customer facilities with more efficient models are just some of the measures that have contributed to the progressive reduction of emissions.

As the last step towards achieving this milestone, Hijos de Rivera has compensated for the inevitable emissions with its involvement in the “The Envira Amazonia Forest” project for the forest conservation of the Brazilian Amazon, considered the lungs of the planet, thus reinforcing the commitment of Hijos de Rivera to a strategic territory in the internationalisation of the company. Avoiding environmental degradation and deforestation and preserving biodiversity by involving local communities are the keys to this initiative that represents a great return to the ecosystem.

This milestone is part of an ambitious company plan focused on being more sustainable every day and generating positive impact,  acting in all areas and activities that can be improved in a spirit of constant effort and taking it as a transversal project that does not end. Through a coordinated strategy involving all the people and departments of the company, Hijos de Rivera has been focusing for several years on the care of the planet and people, on working together with their allies and protecting their origin.

Ignacio Rivera, CEO of Corporación Hijos de Rivera, notes that “this milestone is the result of a determined and coordinated effort of all our people for years to be at the forefront of the sector in terms of sustainability. The most important thing about this project, and many others that are underway, is that we are well aware of the need to evolve. It is constant work and we have a long way to go, but we are very ambitious and our will is clear: we are willing to transform our organisation to become more sustainable every day and generate a positive impact on our environment. We have come a long way, but many milestones lie ahead that reaffirm our commitment to our origin, to people, to our planet and our allies. We’re not going to change the world, but we’re going to do everything in our power to make it better.”

Thus, the factory of Estrella Galicia (A Coruña), the springs of Cabreiroá (Ourense), Agua de Cuevas (Asturias) and Fontarel (Granada), as well as the companies Cervinter (Malaga), Justdrinks (Portugal) and Estrella Galicia do Brasil (Sao Paulo) have achieved carbon neutrality, a great milestone in the commitment to the environment by Hijos de Rivera.

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    Corporación Hijos de Rivera S.L. c/ José María Rivera Corral, nº6. 15008 A GRELA – A CORUÑA


    +34 981 901 906

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