Estrella Galicia launches a special edition to pay homage to the Cíes Islands

Estrella Galicia Islas Cíes

We launch a special edition of bottles that feature an idyllic sunset at the Cíes Islands on their labels with the aim of promoting this unique location of great natural value. 

Around 20 million bottles with this image will be available on-trade in Spain, in 20cl and 30cl format, while stocks last.

Estrella Galicia Islas Cíes

Estrella Galicia is launching a special edition of bottles that pay homage to the Islas Cíes with the aim of promoting and highlighting the value of this natural paradise in Galicia.

The labels for this special edition of Estrella Galicia feature an idyllic sunset on these islands and can be seen in bars and restaurants in Spain while stocks last. Around 20 million bottles with this image will be available in 20cl and 30cl returnable format. 

This personalized Estrella Galicia Islas Cíes edition joins a series of designs that the brand has launched with motifs that refer to traditions, events or festivities with deep social and popular roots in Spain, to pay homage to symbols with which it shares values like, as in this case, concern for the preservation of a natural environment of such beauty characterized by its exceptional marine environment, its fauna, its flora and its cultural and historical heritage. 

The Islas Cíes were declared “Parque Natural” in 1980. An outstanding feature of this virgin paradise is the Playa de Rodas, named the “best beach in the world” by The Guardian. It is a territory that requires special care so future generations can continue to enjoy it in a responsible manner. 

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