Estrella Galicia launches a new campaign in Brazil

CompanyInternational Expansion


Our beer Estrella Galicia launches a new ad campaign on social media and the 2.0 environment in Brazil. To do so, we have returned to the concept of our 2011 campaign, “Deberíamos conocernos” (“We should get to now each other”) adapting it to the Brazilian market, creating situations and scenarios close to the Brazilian consumer, under the slogan “Prazer, Estrella Galicia” . The use of “Prazer” is a colloquial expression for introductions in Brazil, which allows us to present our beer in society on one hand, and on the other, states the implicit pleasant and satisfying sensation when drinking it, perfectly summarising our two main goals: to make ourselves known and transmit the quality of our beer on this market.

The campaign will be visible on the Estrella Galicia Brasil Facebook page, which has already gained 57,000 followers in approximately the month that it has been open, and on which consumers actively participate, making it an ideal platform to establish our brand dialogue with consumers. It is no surprise that Facebook is the leading social network with over 100 million users.

The Estrella Galicia ad presents daily situations close to the Brazilian consumer (concerts, celebrating your team’s victories, or special moments with friends on the beach), recounts how often the consumers have experienced these moments in their lives, and states that the moment has probably arrived to discover, or meet, a beer such as ours: “Prazer, Estrella Galicia” (“My pleasure, Estrella Galicia”).

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