Estrella Galicia has won the Advertising in Galician Award


Estrella Galicia has received the acknowledgement of the most important advertising professionals in Galicia, the Premio de la Publicidad en Gallego (Advertising in Galician Award), given every year by the Consello Asesor of RTVE-Galicia and CRTVG (Advisory Board for Galician TV and Radio). Our brand won this award for the advertising campaign on Galician TV, “O noso é o noso” (What’s ours is ours), aimed at keeping and encouraging a close relationship with Galician consumers.

The ceremony was held yesterday at the Galician Parliament. The jury highlighted the originality of blending new technologies, sport and the sense of Galician identity.

Captura de pantalla 2015-05-05 a la(s) 18.26.51

8 adverts in total were developed under the slogan “O noso é o noso” and shown on Galician Television (TVG) during the second half of 2014. Using humour and making reference to Galician stereotypes, every month the actor Rafa Durán would go through the main events in Galicia where our brand Estrella Galicia would always be present.

This campaign is framed within our Proximity Plan in Galicia, a project which combines common creativity for all our local sponsors, with continuous presence in the main media of our region. Since February 2015, the new edition of this campaign has been underway, under the same slogan “O noso é o noso”, and will be visible on television, radio, in the press and outdoor publicity in Galicia until December.

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