Estrella Galicia 0,0 will continue to compete in MotoGP with the Márquez brothers


Our non-alcoholic beer brand has been one of the most loyal sponsors of Marc and Alex Marquez for a decade,  in line with their philosophy of supporting  young sporting promises with whom to evolve throughout their career.

Since their early days, the Márquez brothers have celebrated their multiple victories next to Estrella Galicia 0,0 and the brand continues to support their talent for the coming seasons.

“For more than a decade, the Marquez brothers have already been part of the family of Estrella Galicia 0.0, We have felt their successes as our own and, despite these difficult moments, we will continue to accompany them on this journey that we started together, we will continue to fight alongside them in order to have a reason to celebrate”, said Ignacio Rivera.

hnos marquez

Estrella Galicia 0,0 has strengthened its support once again for the Marquez brothers and will remain by their side for the coming seasons. The  non-alcoholic beer brand has been ,and is, one of the most loyal sponsors of Marc and Alex Márquez, accompanying them for a decade.

Estrella Galicia 0,0’s sponsorship philosophy has always been based on the commitment to young sporting promises with the aim of  closely following their evolution and staying at their side throughout their careers. This approach has been a great source of joy in the case of the Márquez brothers who have had multiple occasions to celebrate their triumphs toasting with Estrella Galicia 0,0.

Ignacio Rivera, CEO of Corporación Hijos de Rivera, notes that “the Márquez brothers have already been part of the Estrella Galicia 0,0 family for over a decade. We have seen them grow for 10 years and have celebrated their successes as our own. So, despite the difficult times we are going through, we will continue to accompany them on this journey that we started together a decade ago, we continue to fight beside them in order to have a  reason to celebrate”

Marc Márquez has been world champion on no less than eight occasions and his brother Alex Márquez has achieved it twice and has already left his mark in his MotoGP debut with two podiums in the 2020 season. Both fit perfectly with the values that Estrella Galicia 0,0 seeks in an athlete, both for their talent and for enormous capacity to work and to overcome obstacles.

Marc Márquez, MotoGP rider: “I am extremely  happy to be able to continue next to Estrella Galicia 0,0. Even in my wildest dreams I would not have imagined having achieved so many successes at this point in my sporting career and I am very proud to have been able to experience and share all these achievements of the last decade with the Estrella Galicia 0,0 family”.

Alex Márquez, MotoGP rider: “I am very happy to continue to be part of Estrella Galicia 0,0, a company that has supported me during my sporting career, and with whom we have been growing, achieving great successes together. I hope to continue to progress and improve,  and  I hope that together  with the  Estrella Galicia 0,0 family we can live more unforgettable moments.”

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    Corporación Hijos de Rivera S.L. c/ José María Rivera Corral, nº6. 15008 A GRELA – A CORUÑA

    +34 981 901 906

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