Estrella Galicia 0,0 launches a new ad starring the Marquez brothers

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As of Thursday 30 April, we will be able to see the new Estrella Galicia 0,0 ad on all the channels of the Atresmedia and Mediaset groups. A new advert, with 20 and 10 second length versions, which joins the two ads we launched mid-March with the launch of our brand Estrella Galicia‘s latest campaign.

This new ad falls within the frame of this year’s campaign “Sagas familiares”       (“Family Sagas”) which works to reinforce our premium positioning through the association of Estrella Galicia with other successful families who, like, Hijos de Rivera, have obtained extraordinary things thanks to hard work, talent, tradition and a passion for what they do.

On this occasion, the Marquez family represent the value of family tradition linked to the world of sport, as well as the effort and overcoming obstacles, by becoming World Motorcycling Champions in their respective categories and with the support of Estrella Galicia 0,0 since the beginning.

In addition to this new TV advert, there is a digital media campaign which can be seen on YouTube and Facebook, as well as on the sport news websites of As and Marca. There will also be a number of inserts in the press: in Sunday supplements (ESP and XL Semanal), and in the two leading sport newspapers, As and Marca.

“Making of”

Alongside these two new ads, we are also launching a “making of” version of the campaign, which can be seen on Estrella Galicia’s YouTube channel. It is a very special video with the best moments captured during the filming and where four family sagas of our company appear. Among them, our CEO Ignacio Rivera chats with the protagonist of the ad to explain why not everything is simply a question of luck.

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