Corporación Hijos de Rivera presents a record 2021

Ignacio Rivera, presidente ejecutivo de Corporación Hijos de Rivera 2

We closed the year with record results: a historical turnover of over 610 million euros, an investment of €66.8 million and a workforce close to 1,500 people worldwide, 15.8% more than in the previous year. In addition, the company’s socioeconomic impact study prepared by the consulting firm Steward Redqueen indicates that our activity already accounts for 0.14% of the national GDP and generates 32,000 direct and indirect jobs in our country.

Our executive chairman, Ignacio Rivera, pointed out that “these historical results of 2021 represent additional motivation to face the complicated economic situation that is presented this year, a decisive year for our future in which key investments will materialise to guarantee our growth in the mid and long term“.

Ignacio Rivera, presidente ejecutivo de Corporación Hijos de Rivera 2

Ignacio Rivera, executive chairman of Corporación Hijos de Rivera, held this morning the traditional annual informative meeting with the media, at our MEGA museum in A Coruña, in which he had the opportunity to share both the results of the previous year and the main strategic lines that will mark the development of the company in the coming years.

In the presentation, the results of the Socioeconomic Impact report of Corporación Hijos de Rivera in 2021, carried out by the prestigious independent consultancy Steward Redqueen, which quantifies the impact of the company’s activity along the entire value chain through a standard model, were announced. This report indicates that the activity of our company already accounts for 0.14% of the national GDP and that it generates more than 32,000 direct and indirect jobs in our country. In 2021, our activity contributed 1,693 million euros to the Spanish economy.

Last year has provided us with record figures despite the fact that activity was still very marked by the restrictions of the pandemic. The consolidated turnover has been historic, reaching 610 million euros, 27.4% higher than the previous year and 14.6% more than in a pre-Covid 2019.

Investments in this period have totaled 66.8 million euros within the framework of an ambitious investment calendar for the coming years. In this sense, the company’s top executive has highlighted the historic milestone that will mean moving from a single factory in A Coruña to having 3 production units within two years, with the progressive start-up of the factories in Morás and Brazil, the latter to meet the growing demand throughout the Mercosur area.

Ignacio Rivera, pointed out that “the historical results of 2021 represent additional motivation to face the complicated economic situation that is presented this year, a year that will be decisive for our future in which key investments will materialize to guarantee our growth in the medium and long term“.

In 2021, 436 million litres of beer were sold, 27.8% more than in 2020 (26% more than in a pre-Covid 2019). Our wide range of beers, with Estrella Galicia at the head, but also the family of 1906 beers or the range of non-alcoholic beer, has reached a historical sales record that strengthens the need to have industrial facilities capable of assimilating the company’s strong growth.

For its part, the mineral water business, which has just recently incorporated AUARA, sold a total of 189 million litres of its three springs in 2021: Cabreiroá, Agua de Cuevas and Fontarel. This is 16.4% more than in the previous year.

One of the most outstanding figures is that which refers to job creation. The workforce is already made up of 1,448 people worldwide, 15.8% more than in 2020 and 90% of contracts are permanent.

Corporación Hijos de Rivera has 31 companies in 8 countries and our products are marketed in 60 markets, a quick rise that responds to the firm commitment to internationalisation. In recent times this strategy has materialised, among others, in the starting of the building work of the new Brazilian factory, the opening of a subsidiary in Mexico from which to also serve Central America and the Caribbean, the significant growth of exports to the countries of the Middle East or consolidation in key markets such as the United Kingdom, Germany and Italy.

Within the framework of the strategic plan that will be developed these years in the company, the top executive of the Corporation, Ignacio Rivera, specially emphasised the commitment to the generation of a positive impact on the environment as one of the internal revolutions that has meant a deep reorganization and rethinking of the activity from the foundations. Over 100 projects have been launched in different areas with the aim of contributing to this collective purpose that the entire workforce has internalised as a priority.

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    Corporación Hijos de Rivera S.L. c/ José María Rivera Corral, nº6. 15008 A GRELA – A CORUÑA

    +34 981 901 906

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