Corporación Hijos de Rivera, certified as a Top Employer for good practices in people management

Corporación Hijos de Rivera Top Employers

Our company has been certified as a Top Employer after having passed the Certification process of Top Employers Institute, which analyzes all aspects of people management and highlights organizations with best practices.

The ability to attract talent, commitment to training, the search for the well-being of staff or policies that promote diversity and inclusion are just some of the areas of analysis that allow this recognition to be obtained.

This certification once again endorses the management of people of Corporación Hijos de Rivera which has already been recognised by other institutions such as Best Place to Work.

Corporación Hijos de Rivera Top Employers 

Corporación Hijos de Rivera has been certified as a Top Employer Spain, placing us among the most outstanding organizations in people management practices.

The Top Employers Institute programme certifies leading organizations in people practices based on their participation and the results of the HR Best Practices Survey. This analysis encompasses all aspects of Human Resources, divided into 20 different topics, such as digitalization, work environment, leadership, talent acquisition, learning, well-being, sustainability, and diversity and inclusion, among many others.

“Top Employers companies face the challenges posed by a world of work in continuous change with the implementation of excellent people practices with which they positively impact the lives of their employees,” says Massimo Begelle, Regional Manager of Top Employers Institute.


Among the Best Companies to Work For

The certification announced today once again endorses the good practices in the management of people of Corporación Hijos de Rivera, which has already been supported in this area by other prestigious institutions such as Best Place to Work.

In 2021, our company ranked 11th in the category of “Over 500 employees” in the 19th edition of the Best Workplaces Spain 2021 Ranking and, in addition, entered the list of the Best Places to Work in Europe for the first time.


About Top Employers Institute

Top Employers Institute is a global authority on recognizing the excellence of People Practices. Top Employers Institute validates, certifies and recognizes as leading employers organizations that exceed the exacting standards of its Certification Programme. Established over 30 years ago, Top Employers Institute has certified 1857 organizations in 123 countries/regions in 2022. These Certified Top Employers positively impact the lives of 8 million employees globally.

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    Corporación Hijos de Rivera S.L. c/ José María Rivera Corral, nº6. 15008 A GRELA – A CORUÑA

    +34 981 901 906

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