Antonio Murado’s views reach 12 Miradas :: Riverside

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Corporación Hijos de Rivera

The painter, based in New York, will be the protagonist on 14 November at 8.30pm at the Vilaseco where he will present a small exhibition that reflects his main influences. His artistic project has been the object of a number of individual exhibitions in Germany, Canada, and the USA, and a number of international collections have featured his creations.

Antonio Murado

The artist, Antonio Murado, one of the most internationally well-known Spanish painters, lands in A Coruña within the cultural programme 12 Miradas :: Riverside, to present an exhibition that reflects his main influences.

Antonio Murado will be the protagonist on 14 November at 8.30pm at the Galería Vilaseco in A Coruña, where he will present a small exhibition made up of visual stories through which the attendees can explore his particular way of seeing the world.

The Galician painter, based in New York, and a Fine Arts graduate (Salamanca University), caught the attention of the Spanish art sector very early on by being at the centre of many contests and exhibitions. In 1995, he was granted the Beca de Creación Artística en el Extranjero Unión Fenosa – MACUF (Union Fenosa-Macuf Artistic Creation Overseas Grant), with which he went to New York, where he settled.

Antonio Murado

His artistic project has been the object of numerous individual exhibitions in institutions based in Germany, Canada and the USA. Likewise, important international collections have featured some of his work, such as the Philip Morris Collection, American Express Collection —both in New York—, and the Colección La Caixa de Arte Contemporáneo (La Caixa Contemporary Art Collection), in Barcelona.

The artist will share his experience in 12 Miradas :: Riverside, a programme that we support through Corporación Hijos de Rivera with Galería Vilaseco Laboratorio Creativo, with whom we bring to life our support for art and boost creativity, making inspiration a part of our daily life.

The project, curated by Carlos Quintáns, winner of the León de Oro at the Venice Biennale 2016, seeks to bring art and creativity close to the public through talks, exhibitions and workshops.

The aim of the season is threefold: to communicate, transmitting creative experiences that serve as inspiration and aid development to all audiences; to connect, creating new ways to collaborate between sectors, agents and territories that generate new work flows; and to innovate, allowing the introduction of creativity as an essential factor in any process that searches for new models and solutions.

To meet these objectives, a total of 12 of the most relevant artists on the Spanish and international scene will share their personal perspective at the Galeria Vilaseco in A Coruña throughout 2017.


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    Corporación Hijos de Rivera S.L. c/ José María Rivera Corral, nº6. 15008 A GRELA – A CORUÑA

    +34 981 901 906

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