Agua de Cuevas, best food and beverage company in Asturias to work in

Best Workplaces Asturias 2021_Logo

The Asturian spring has been placed fourth in the general Asturian ranking of Best Workplaces held every year by the consultancy Great Place To Work®, and in first place within its sector.

Every year, this certification recognises the participating companies located in Asturias as exemplary workplaces, based on the perception of employees.

Best Workplaces Asturias 2021_Logo

Agua de Cuevas leads the food and beverage sector in the ranking of the best companies to work in Asturias in 2021, prepared by the consultancy  Great Place To Work®.  Every year, this certificate recognises the companies in Asturias that have wanted to participate in the process as exemplary workplaces, based on the perception of employees. For this edition, 24 companies of different sizes and sectors have been analysed, involving the opinion of 2,706 workers. 

The Asturian spring of our Group is fourth in the general ranking of Asturian companies, and in first place in the case of the food and beverage sector.

The Best Workplaces Asturias Ranking recognises companies for aspects such as pride in belonging, equal treatment, conciliation measures or honesty in management.

New image in line with its commitment to sustainability

Agua de Cuevas has just announced an update in its image trying to better reflect its own identity through its packaging. Now it is dressed in green showing its origin, a colour that takes us to the Asturian mountains where the spring is located, as well as its firm commitment to sustainability, both strategic pillars of the company.

Last July, Agua de Cuevas announced the launch of its star 1.5 litre format in a container made of 100% recycled material, making it the first Asturian spring that concretes its commitment to sustainability. Hence, at the end of 2021 the brand expects 100% of its packaging to come from other bottles.

This milestone in terms of innovation and sustainability means that millions of recycled PET bottles will be given a second lease of life each year, significantly reducing the impact of their activity on the environment and backing circularity in the use of resources.

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