Adega Ponte da Boga has been awarded 7 gold Medals and one silver Medal in the Guide to wines, wineries and distilled spirits of Galicia


The historic winery of the Ribeira Sacra, founded in 1898, has been highlighted by the specialized publication Guía Paadín in its new edition of 2022.

Guía Paadín 2022

In its 2022 edition the Guía Paadín de Vinos, Destilados y Bodegas de Galicia (Paadín Guide to Wines, Wineries and Distilled Spirits of Galicia), published annually by Luis L. Paadín, bestows seven gold medals and one silver medal upon the wines of Ponte da Boga, thus recognizing the historic winery of the Ribeira Sacra founded in 1898.

The two Mencía references of the winery, the young “P” 2020 and “Bancales Olvidados” 2018, with 10 months in barrel, whose grapes come from a project started 15 years ago to recover historic terraces at risk of abandonment, have received Gold Medals. Also mentioned were the monovarietal specialties “Porto de Lobos”2016 (Uva Brancellao), “Capricho Merenzao” 2017 and “Capricho Sousón” 2018.

This monovarietal project responds to Ponte da Boga’s interest and vocation to recover varieties that almost disappeared years ago from the Ribeira Sacra and promote the introduction of other native varieties, thus highlighting the exceptional characteristics of the soil of the D.O. for the cultivation and elaboration of wines of a quality and elegance at the level of the most recognised vineyards in Europe.

As for the white grape varieties, “A”, Albariño 2020 was awarded a gold medal, and a Gold + medal went to “B”, Lexítimo White 2020. This last medal is of special relevance for the winery after 10 years researching and working specifically on the recovery and introduction in the Ribeira Sacra of this exclusive, unique and little recognized Galician variety, with historical roots in the region of Betanzos As Mariñas.

Finally, “G”, Godello 2020, another of the most prestigious wines of the winery throughout these years, has been awarded a Silver Medal.

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