Activity Programme for the Mercado de la Cosecha at the Festival Noroeste Estrella Galicia

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Actividades Mercado de la Cosecha 1

On Sunday 13 August, at the Paseo de los Puentes park (A Coruña), the Mercado de la Cosecha will hold, for the second year running, a wide range of activities that will close the 31st festival Noroeste Estrella Galicia.

Actividades Mercado de la Cosecha 1

Alongside the concerts held as part of the festival on that day, our social responsibility project will offer a jam-packed activity programme allowing the public to discover rural projects for themselves and take part in a wide range of rural activities in a festive and fun atmosphere.

From midday to 9pm, there will free and uninterrupted activities on offer. For the younger ones, there will be popular and traditional games, such as tic-tac-toe, chess, sack races, and the chance to put their aim and strength to the test, as well as traditional biscuits workshops, with Gadis and R. Also, thanks to the participation of Ecocelta, producers of organic fertilisers, they will be able to work on a kitchen garden.

Casa Grande de Xanceda will encourage children to take part in a fun Gymkhana so they can see the yoghurt making process for themselves, right from the very beginning when the cows are milked.

The workshop areas will offer non-stop activities, such as “Con la comida también se juega” (“You can play with your food”), during which Daveiga will teach the younger members of the family to make their own min pizzas with Daveiga’s mariñeiras biscuits; “Creación de ambientadores naturales” (“Making natural air fresheners”) and “Plantas aromáticas gallegas” (Galician Aromatic plants”), with Orballo; “Cosmética gallega” (“Galician cosmetics”), with Muulhoa; as well as others such as “Elabora tu propio queso” (”Make your own cheese”), with the help of Arqueixal, or “Dibuja el rural” (“ Draw the countryside”).

Anyone who wishes to participate in any of these activities can put their name down on the day for those they wish to take part in, which will help with the organisation.

There will also be plays performed by Son d’Aldea, an association that aims to bring rural Galica to life by returning the protagonism it had in the not too distant past. Visitors will also be able to enjoy free tastings of all the products that will be present on the day such as Maeloc ciders, Ponte da Boga wines, Cortes de Muar cheeses or the specialities produced by Horta de Teodoro, among others.

And, should the tastings whet the appetite, the Mercado de la Cosecha will also have, for the very first time, a grocer’s and food stalls, where visitors can taste the delicious Galeguesas, organic ice-creams by Bico de Xeado, Arqueixal cheeses, Daveiga’s specialities, as well as jams by Amorodo, among many others.

Visitors will also have the chance to have their photograph taken alongside vintage tractors, thanks to Casa de Vázquez who will bring them to share a part of the Galician rural heritage with everyone, and they will be able to share them on their social networks thanks to the WI-FI hosted by R.

A fun-filled day organised with the aim of making visitors aware of, and appreciate, the projects that are being developed in the Galician countryside, and the quality of the products with proximity and origin guarantee that arise out of initiatives such as those that are part of our social responsibility initiative, the Mercado de la Cosecha.

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