Activity programme at the Fórum Gastronómico

Cartel Fórum Gastronómico

Stand Fórum

Our company’s product portfolio will continue to be at the Fórum Gastronómico in A Coruña, one of the most important professional fairs on the Spanish gastronomy circuit, that has become one of the references in the sector, along with Alimentaria and Salón Gourmets.

In its eighteenth edition, and for the fourth consecutive year, the city of A Coruña has been chosen to host the Fórum Gastronómico, which will be held from 12 to 14 March, at Expocoruña.

As part of our activities during the event, we will be holding tastings of and talks about our beers, wines, ciders and mineral waters, paired with top quality dishes made by well-known chefs from the Association “Coruña Cociña”, which is made up of around twenty local chefs who seek to promote cuisine from A Coruña.

Sunday 12

We inaugurate our activity programme on Sunday 12 March, Beer day, with activities both at the main stand and in the workshop Cultura de Cerveza (Beer Culture), with intense tastings, and pairings with cheeses and preserves.

Two activities will be held at the Cultura de Cerveza workshop: “Un viaje al universo de las cervezas” (“A voyage into the beer universe”), that will give an overview of Estrella Galicia beers, and “¿A qué suena tu cerveza?” (“What does your beer sound like?”), a beer and music workshop. Meanwhile, at the main stand there will be workshops on how to serve.

Monday 13

Monday’s activities will begin at the main stand with the IV Certamen Gallego de Tiraje de Cerveza Estrella Galicia (IV Estrella Galicia Galician Beer Pulling Championship), from where the best Beer Puller in Galicia will emerge, and will compete for the title of Best Beer Puller in Spain in the grand final, which will be held at the Salón de Gourmets.

Beer will continue to be the protagonist on Monday, with a tasting of the 1906 family at the stand, and the beer-serving workshop “El arte de servir una cerveza. De la fábrica a la copa” (“The art of serving beer. From the brewery to the glass”). Maeloc ciders will also have their moment on Monday with a tasting at the main stand at the end of the afternoon, and our Cabreiroá mineral waters will be the focus of a tasting on Monday morning at the Cultura de Cerveza workshop.

Also at the Cultura de Cerveza workshop, there will be an Irish beer tasting at the end of the day.

Tuesday 14

Tuesday will be marked by the variety of products and activities. It will begin with the presentation of the new agreement signed with the association “Coruña Cociña” at the main stand, followed by a pairing activity with our Cabreiroá mineral waters. There will be two wine tastings in the afternoon, one of Ponte da Boga wines, and the other with the wines that we distribute.

In the Cultura de Cerveza space, beer will be the protagonist on Tuesday, too. There will be a tasting of the 1906 family, followed by a Belgian beer tasting and, in the afternoon, a tasting of different types of beer. To finish off, a workshop on raw ingredients will round up our activity programme at the Fórum Gastronómico.

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    Corporación Hijos de Rivera S.L. c/ José María Rivera Corral, nº6. 15008 A GRELA – A CORUÑA

    +34 981 901 906

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