Abella Lupa, working for biodiversity

CommitmentCSR @en

Alexandre Cendón, a Philosophy graduate, had never thought about going full time into bee-keeping until one day a friend of his left him in charge of his honeycombs. Committed ecologist, it didn’t take him long to realise how important these animals were in nature cycles, and he was hooked on bee-keeping for ever.

Mercado de la Cosecha

Abella Lupa  was born with a double purpose: as a project aimed at organic honey production, and the recovery of the cultural heritage linked to bee-keeping in Galicia, which they do by contributing to the upkeep of the Museo Favum en Paraños, Covelo. Besides this, it is an example of good practices acknowledged by the SEO Birdlife as Experiencia positiva en Red Natura (Positive experience on Red Natura) and it has won the Red Emprendeverde 2012 award, with a special mention for its significant contribution to the protection of biodiversity.

Mercado de la Cosecha

Take a look at all the activities that the Pop-Up store in Vigo has to offer this week at the Mercado de la Cosecha.

If you want to find out more about Abella Lupa and their project, take a look at their talk on the Mercado de la Cosecha Parladoiros.

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