Medalla Castelao

We want to congratulate Grupo Nove for the Medalla Castelao, recently awarded by the Xunta de Galicia, reaffirming the importance of the group as ambassador of Galician gastronomy around the world.

Grupo Nove

We are launching a media campaign to highlight the important cultural work and the development of Galician gastronomy carried out by the association. The campaign highlights the fact that “passion, talent, innovation and Galicia are 4 elements that we share with the Grupo Nove and that, when put together, can only lead to success”.

With the statement, we want to refer to the close relationship that we have developed with this prestigious Galician chefs’ association in recent years, both with joint projects and the launch of new products used to promote avant-garde gastronomy and quality Galician products.

By congratulating them we also want to highlight the award received by this gastronomy group that began with 9 members in 2003, and is currently made up of 24 professionals and 18 restaurants- a total of 8 Michelin stars and 18 Repsol Suns.

gráfica Grupo Nove

With this important award, Grupo Nove receives a well-deserved acknowledgement of its work as international ambassador of Galician food and wine, which strengthens even further, if possible, the philosophy that the Group was set up with 15 years ago, clear objectives that are their raison d’être: to spread the philosophy of contemporary and local product cuisine, and to raise awareness of Galicia’s gastronomy culture within Galicia and outside it. The chefs of the Grupo Nove have a passion in common, food and Galicia, which we also share here at Hijos de Rivera, and a common objective which is to promote and defend new Galician cuisine without giving up its origins, and believing in the quality of the products.

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