What does your beer sound like? SON Estrella Galicia helps you find out.

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A qué suena tu cerveza (What does your beer sound like?) is a SON Estrella Galicia experience to discover the relationship between beer culture and music.

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What similarities are there between the beer making process and composing a song? Together with the band Mister Marshall and the Beer Culture expert, Fernando Iglesias, we present A Qué Suena tu Cerveza in Madrid, which is a didactic experience that will be present at all the best festivals this summer and that has been created to offer a better understanding of the universe that these two arts share.

Making music and making beer are two arts that have a lot in common that goes beyond the love that musicians and the audience have for this beer. To compose a song and to create a good beer both involve fascinating processes that require exquisite taste when choosing each of the elements necessary for a perfect result.

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Malt, hops, barley and water. Guitar, bass, drums and voices. A parallel that SON Estrella Galicia will take to all the festivals this summer with A Qué Suena tu Cerveza, a unique format that uses musical language as a way to transmit beer culture. It is an interactive experience so that the public can understand the bond between these two very similar worlds through their prime materials, with great artists and different beers to make it a complete experience.

 Before entering the festival scene, A Qué Suena tu Cerveza made its debut in Madrid, with the Estrella Galicia Beer Culture expert, Fernando Iglesias, and the band Mister Marshall as exceptional teachers. Together they examined and explained all the ingredients, instruments, rules and secrets that are necessary to create a beer with its own identity and a song with a great rhythm. Together, and in front of the media and music specialists, the protagonists played with the affinity that exists between both worlds and the ingredients necessary to explain beer culture through music.

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As Víctor Mantiñán, brand manager of SON Estrella Galicia explained, “with “A Qué Suena tu Cerveza” we discover that cereal is to beer what the guitar player is to a band. Cereal, the essence of beer along with the malting process, that characterizes the intensity and the colour of the final product, is like the guitar as an essential part of the band. Both determine the colour, the body of the sound or its style; just like there are lagers, ales and stouts, there are clear, crystalline guitars. With this idea in mind, a record has been “cooked up” for the pleasure of both palates and ears.

 A Qué Suena tu Cerveza will be at the most special 2017 summer festivals that SON Estrella Galicia will be at – special dates on music lovers’ calendars that will thrill festival goers from June to December and will bring the latest music trends to the general public, always surrounded by the best beer.

Atlantic Fest Pontevedra 30 June – 2 July
Portamérica Pontevedra 13 – 15 July
Sinsal SON Estrella Galicia Redondela 21 – 23 July
Noroeste Estrella Galicia A Coruña 8 – 13 August
WOS Festival Santiago de Compostela 6 – 10 September
MIRA Digital Arts Festival Barcelona 9 – 11 November
Purplee Weekend León 6 – 9 de December


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