We take a great step forward in our commitment to the environment with the new Agua de Cuevas rPET bottle


Our spring in Asturias launches its star 1.5 litre format in a 100% recycled bottle in what will be a progressive move towards making all its bottles rPET.

This milestone in terms of innovation and sustainability means that 10 million recycled PET bottles will be given a second lease of life each year, significantly reducing the impact of their activity on the environment and encouraging circularity in the use of resources.

Our Brand Agua de Cuevas has taken a great step forward in its effort to minimise the impact of its activity on the environment with the launch of its first format with a 100% recycled bottle. It is its star format, the  1.5 litre format, which from this week can be found on the shelves in rPET bottles

This milestone in terms of sustainability and innovation means that a new life and a second use will be given to the plastic of over 10 million recycled PET bottles throughout the year,  reducing the carbon footprint of packaging production by over 60%, which is significant energy saving, emission reduction and circularity in resource use and recycling

Our spring in Asturias has been working intensively since 2018 on the progressive introduction of recycled PET in its formats, in line with the environmental commitments established for all mineral water facilities of Hijos de Rivera. The plan has been successfully developed over the last few years and all its packaging is already 25% rPET.

With this week’s launch, Agua de Cuevas gives substantial visibility to the implementation of its environmental commitments and moves forward with its objective that, in the short term, aims to continue to add different formats, as is the case of 0.33, 0.5 and 1 litres.

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