We are Sponsoring Spin2016, the Biggest Latin American University Entrepreneurship Event




Spin2016 has the purpose to awaken, boost and support entrepreneurial talent. It is the biggest Latin American entrepreneurship event and it has chosen Santiago de Compostela (Capital City of Galicia – Spain) as its’ meeting point.

Our company is one of the main sponsors of the event that will take place on the 29th, 30th and 31st of October at the City of Culture (Ciudad de la Cultura). Spin2016 will gather around 2,000 young attendees from over twenty countries that will participate in talks, seminars and workshops. The objective is to boost universities’ contribution to economic and social development.

Registration is free and the program is addressed to students from Latin America. The event is backed up with the collaboration and organization of 100 universities among which is the University of Santiago de Compostela and Redemprendia.

During the three-day event attendees can enjoy different talks held by 50 speakers that will discuss varied subjects such as science, culture, business or entrepreneurship. Concurrently workshops and seminars will run related to basketwork, desing thinking and attendees can also participate in a beer voyage with Estrella Galicia.

Furthmore, within the framework of Spin2016 RedEmprendia will launch a new edition of Model2Market, a program targeted to entrepreneurs that have not still stepped into the market. This program aims to boost business models created at University which stand out due to their high level of innovation and potential social and economic impact.

More information on the activities and schedule on the following link.

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