The virtual edition of 5KM Charity run wants to add runners from all over the world to its cause

CommitmentCSR @en

The sixth edition of this sporting and charity event backed by the companies that make up the Corporación Hijos de Rivera, and that donates all the money raised to   the Spanish Federation of Food Banks (FESBAL), is back.

This year circumstances have moved the race from the streets of A Coruña to the environment that each of the participants chooses to take part in this charity challenge from November 28 to December 5

Registration is open on the website, and each runner can register their route on the race’s official app.   

Yet another year, the registration process has started for the 5KM Solidarios (5km Charity Race) the race supported by the volunteering team of all the Corporación Hijos de Rivera companies that donated all the money raised to the  Federación Española de Bancos de Alimentos (FESBAL) – the Spanish Federation of Food Banks.  On this occasion, and given the circumstances, a virtual edition will take place in whichrunners from anywhere in the world who want to join the cause will be able to participate.

This is the sixth edition of this initiative by the volunteering team made up by part of the staff from  the different companies that make up the   Corporación Hijos de Rivera and that has the Rías Altas Food Bank and FESBAL as organisers. 

The streets of A Coruña will give way to the environment that each of the participants chooses to take part in this charity challenge.  Runners can choose the route as well as its difficulty, and even the day and time that they will do it on, between the 28th  of November and the 5th of December. During this period, the 5kms must be completed via the official app, previously downloaded onto mobile phones. The app will allow to geolocalise, register, and synchronise all the participants. 

Registration is now open on the website. Participation is open to anyone, with no age limit, and the race can be done both by running and walking.

The fee, a donation, is €5 per person, and can be processed until the 4th of December.   All those people who cannot or do not wish to participate in the race, can collaborate by donating via the web through  “Dorsal 0” donations.

At the previous edition, in A Coruña, over 1,200 participants took part in this sporting, fun, and charitable event.   This time round, the festive element associated with the event is lost,  but its charitable potential is strengthened as many more people will be able to participate in the race and collaborate through their donations with the activity of collecting and distributing food carried out by FESBA and its 54 associated Food Banks. 

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    Corporación Hijos de Rivera S.L. c/ José María Rivera Corral, nº6. 15008 A GRELA – A CORUÑA

    +34 981 901 906

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