The new season of the series “Bajo Sospecha” begins, with Estrella Galicia & Cabreiroá


Captura de pantalla 2016-01-11 a las 16.52.40

The new season of ‘Bajo sospecha’, from the Atresmedia group, that had an investigation into a murder as the central plot in its first season, and featured Yon González and Lluis Homar, among other stars has started.

Both Estrella Galicia and Cabreiroá will appear in the new episodes of this Antena 3 series, as product placements, allowing the placing of a product, message or brand in some of the scenes. In the case of Cabreiroá, it is the first time that it will appear in a prime time Spanish TV series, also via product placement.

Captura de pantalla 2016-01-11 a las 16.51.28

The end of the first season of ‘Bajo sospecha’ finished with a 20.4% prime time share, which is around 3,748,000 viewers. In addition to this, Yon González, one of the main actors, was awarded the Madrid Imagen 2015 prize for the best male TV drama series actor.

The second season of ‘Bajo sospecha’ will focus on a new crime, this time at a clinic, where everyone will be a suspect. In this second season, Concha Velasco, María Botto, Gonzalo de Castro, Leticia Dolera, Luisa Martín and Olivia Molina will join the cast, bringing to life characters involved in this new case which takes place in the Hospital Policlínico Montalbán in Cienpozuelos.

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