The Mercado de la Cosecha pop-up store bids farewell this week after almost three months

CommitmentCSR @en


After hosting 12 initiatives, the Mercado de la Cosecha pop-up store will close its doors on Saturday at 10pm. This last week, the space located on Riego de Agua in A Coruña will say goodbye to the public by presenting all the food products that have been the protagonists of this project since its start in July,

The Mercado de la CosechaPop-Up store is a project driven by Corporación Hijos de Rivera, R and Gadiswhose main objective is to promote the socioeconomic development of Galicia and the sustainability of rural areas by spreading and promoting exemplary initiatives.

The temporary Mercado de la Cosecha Store has become, in almost three months, a dynamic element full of activity in the very centre of the city and an important spot for raising awareness regarding the opportunities that the Galician countryside offers in the way of entrepreneurship, transmitting to visitors its philosophy and most authentic flavour. Workshops, tastings, chats, a great number of events have been held to enable the public to discover, first-hand, exemplary initiatives that are currently being carried out in our countryside.

Every week has brought a new image and protagonist. The store has seen a great range of projects, such as Cortes de Muar cheeses, Ecocelta earthworm compost, the eggs and jams of Pazo de Vilane, Olei oils, the games of Buxaina, Daveiga mariñeira biscuits, the cream biscuits of Granxa Maruxa, contemporary basket-making of Idoia Cuesta, the ecological cheeses, yoghurts, and milk of Arqueixal, Maeloc ciders and Ponte da Boga wines, all of them innovative initiatives that are worth sharing.

What is the Mercado de la Cosecha?

Cartel POP-UP Store (sonrisa + Logo R)

The Mercado de la CosechaPop-Up store is a project driven by Corporación Hijos de Rivera, Gadis and R whose main objective is to promote the socioeconomic development of Galicia and the sustainability of rural areas. In order to do so, it carries out different awareness raising and promotional initiatives, such as the Parladoiros (Roundtables), already in their second edition, or the pop-up store which comes to an end after two and a half months of activity.

USEFUL INFORMATION:                                                

Location: 38, Calle Riego de Agua; A Coruña

Opening times: 11am-2pm, and 6pm-10pm

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