The Mercado de la Cosecha fosters the great rural festival Son d’Aldea

CommitmentCSR @en


This weekend Santiago de Albá, in Palas de Rei, becomes everyone’s village. Son d’Aldea celebrates its fifth edition. The Mercado de la Cosecha, the social commitment project sponsored in conjunction by us and Gadis and R, once again supports this festival that will dedicate two days to boost and add value to popular rural culture through a range of activities during which the public’s participation will be the protagonist.

Son d’Aldea kicks off on Friday 4 September at 5pm with Parladoiros about new lines of development in rural areas, with the participation of, among others, the basket maker Idoia Cuesta, recent winner of the Premio Nacional de Artesanía. At 8pm the actress Isabel Risco will offer a monologue called “Nabiza Girl” and at 9pm the day will close with a dinner accompanied by the music group Buxaina.

Saturday will begin at 10.30am with the dramatised route by Mocear. A tour of some of numerous places in the parish where different characters will recreate scenes from traditional rural Galicia from the mid-20th century. A real journey into the past that has become the centre-point of the festival.

The Mercado de la Cosecha supports for the second consecutive year this initiative that will also include an Artesanía Alimentaria and Oficios Artesanos (craft and food fair), romería, concerts and traditional games within a project designed to immerse those who attend in the rural world right for the start.

Year after year, Son d’Aldea fills up. In order to participate, it’s necessary to reserve by e-mail, phone or o via its web-page:


Telephone: (+34) 982 380 251

Son d’Aldea 2015 Programme


5pm Debate/Chat

Debate “Novas Ruralidades” (”New ruralities”) from the perspective of its protagonists, that is, experiences that emerge from rural areas from a different and differentiating point of view, that allow a reflection on the opportunities in rural areas in a world connected on a global scale and defined on a local scale.

Nuevas Ruralidades Oportunidades y retos en un Mundo Global: Tamara Balboa García (Centro de Desenvolvemento Rural Portas Abertas) (“New ruralities- Opportunities and challenges in a global world”)

Puertas Abiertas al Futuro (“Open doors to the future”)

Round table with: Idoia Cuesta (Contemporary basket maker), César Chambero (Actor) and Xosé Luis Fernández Segade (Farmer)

Organisers: Santiago Prado Conde (UVigo-CETRAD) and Xosé Luis Carreira Valín (Arqueixal)

8pm Monologue “Nabiza Girl” by Isabel Risco

9pm Dinner with Village products and queimada, accompanied by the music group Buxaina


10am Reception

10.30am Theatrical route: Mocear

Stages: O Concerto – O Cunqueiro – Rosiña – Os Augardenteiros de Outeiro – Filla de Solteira – A Burata de Fonte Grande, Moceando, A Casa do Gharabullo)

2pm. Village lunch with Buxaina

5pm. Traditional trades and food fair. Traditional games with Xotramu.

7.30pm. Monologue with César Cambeiro

9pm. Romería with “Os Carunchos”

And if you want to have a better idea of what Son d’Aldea is, take a look at this video of the 2014 edition.

The Mercado de la Cosecha is a social commitment project sponsored by Corporación Hijos de Rivera, Gadis and R with the aim of promoting the socio-economic development of Galicia and the sustainability of rural areas. Among the actions that make it up are the Parladoiros, the Mercado de la Cosecha Pop-Up Store and events such as Son d´Aldea, all of them focused on spreading the possibilities offered by the countryside as a way of life and adding value to resources such as innovation, identity, tradition or natural resources.

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