The Mercado de la Cosecha celebrates the great festival of our countryside in Son d’Aldea

CommitmentCSR @en

Last weekend in Palas de Rei, the Mercado de la Cosecha attended one of the most original festivals to be organised in recent years in Galicia. For the fourth consecutive year, Son d’Aldea gathered hundreds of people in the small parish village of Santiago de Albá in order to enjoy a festive day and highlight the value of our rural areas. Talks and debates inaugurated the event on Friday afternoon, before a performance by Alentía Teatro, and a dinner made with local products which was accompanied by music performed by Iria Estévez and Gonzo Piña named “Música do Mundo” (“Music of the World”).

On Saturday, those present enjoyed a dramatised tour during which the theatre company Metátase Teatro and locals acted out different scenes which brought to life scenes of rural life in the past, for almost four hours, around the village. In the afternoon, the Arts and Crafts and Food Craft Exhibition, Traditional Games and the romería brought to an end a festival which reminded those present how important the countryside is and the economic possibilities that it offers, as well as all its future potential. This is a philosophy shared by the Mercado de la Cosecha, which was present throughout the festival.

The Mercado de la Cosecha is a social responsibility project driven by Corporación Hijos de Rivera, Gadis and R whose main objective is to promote the socioeconomic development of Galicia and the sustainability of rural areas. Among the initiatives are the Parladoiros (Roundtables), the Mercado de la Cosecha Pop-Up Store or events such as Son d’Aldea, all focused towards the awareness of the possibilities that the rural areas have to offer as a way of life, and to increase the value of our resources such as innovation, our own identity, tradition, natural resources, among others.

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