The illustrator Miguelanxo Prado at 12 Miradas :: Riverside

CommitmentCSR @en
Miguelanxo Prado 2
The Galician artist, Miguelanxo Prado will share his experience with us at the next 12 Miradas :: Riverside event, taking place on Wednesday 21 at the Galería Vilaseco in A Coruña.

Miguelanxo Prado 1

On Wednesday 21 June, the protagonist of the cultural sponsorship programme 12miradas :: Riverside, sponsored by our company in collaboration with the Laboratorio Creativo Vilaseco, will be the Galician illustrator Miguelanxo Prado, who will be sharing his sources of inspiration through his 12 miradas (12 views).

This Galician illustrator began his career at the fanzine Zero, followed by other mags such as Cairo, Cimoc, Creepy, El Jueves and Zona 84, with series like «Crónicas incongruentes», «Quotidiana delirante», «Stratos» and «Tangencias».

At the start of the 90s, his work begins to focus on the design of animated characters such as those created for the Galician TV children’s programme Xabarín Club, or the American series Men in Black, produced by Steven Spielberg.

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Miguelanxo Prado 3

In 2006 he presented De Profundis, his first full-length animated film, nominated for «Mejor Película de Animación» (“Best animated film”) at the Premios Goya going on to, in 2013, winning the Premio Nacional del Cómic (National Comic Award) for his graphic novel Ardalén (Norma, 2012).

In addition to all this, since 1998 Miguelanxo Prado has been the director of Viñetas desde el Atlántico, the international comic fair held in his city, A Coruña, where he has carried out intense work to promote comics and illustration.

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