The Harvest Market supports local shopping

CommitmentCSR @en

It has launched the Christmas campaign in the markets to publicize the importance of responsible consumption and proximity, giving voice to the initiatives within the markets of Galicia.

These clips are available on social networks and on the project’s website.

In its role as disseminator of sustainable agri-food initiatives and as a standard-bearer of local consumption and local Galician commerce, the Mercado de la Cosecha, a Corporación Hijos de Rivera project, has launched the Christmas campaign in markets.

Coinciding with the Christmas holidays, it has approached the food markets of Galicia so that the initiatives themselves are the ones who highlight the benefits and importance of responsible consumption, especially at this time.

Local producers committed to their environment, as well as hospitality educators, marketing experts and stall owners in the markets have contributed their vision and have been able to transfer their messages to the consumer with the aim of promoting consumption with a positive impact on society and the environment.

These clips are available on social media and on the project’s website.

The Mercado de la Cosecha is a social impact project of Corporación Hijos de Rivera for the dissemination of initiatives that are transforming rural areas into a more prosperous, sustainable and healthy environment that generates well-being.



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