SON Estrella Galicia concerts for March


SON Estrella Galicia

The Coup

When: Wednesday 4 March, 10pm

Where: Sala El Sol, Madrid. SON Estrella Galicia

Tickets: Advance €15 / At the door €18

Ticket Sales: Ticketea

Created in 1991 in Oakland, California, The Coup is a musical mix of funk, punk, hip-hop and soul. The band, fronted by Boots Riley, is characterised for making music to dance to, and containing lyrics that deal with social problems. Their latest album, “Sorry To Bother You”,was well-received, and contains tracks such as “The Magic Clap”.


Sean Rowe

When: Thursday 5 March, 10pm

Where: Sala El Sol, Madrid. SON Estrella Galicia

Tickets: Advance €15 / At the door €

Ticket Sales: Ticketea

Sean Rowe visits Madrid to present the songs from his latest album: Madman. “This time Rowe bares his teeth, shows his heart and scratches out a fantastic collection of songs that are as memorable for their songwriterly focus as they are for his baritone bellowing” (Exclaim).

Eli Paperboy Reed

Eli Paperboy Reed + Juan Zelada

When: Tuesday 10 March, 9.30pm

Where: Sala El Sol, Madrid. SON Estrella Galicia

Tickets: Advance €18

Ticket Sales: Ticketea

In 2004, Eli “Paperboy” Reed stepped into a basement studio with a couple of friends and a plan: to record the combination of Downhome Blues, R&B, and Soul that they had been playing in clubs around the city for so long. The result was Paperboy Reed Sings Walkin’ and Talking (For My Baby) and Other Smash Hits. 10 years later, Reed is a star on the soul scene and gets together with Eli and Jake to bring back that first album.

SON Estrella Galicia

La Bien Querida

When: Thursday 12 March, 10pm

Where: Teatro Lara, Madrid. SON Estrella Galicia

Tickets: Advance €15 – €17

Ticket Sales: Ticketea

La Bien Querida will present, in Madrid, with SON Estrella Galicia, her new album, Premeditación, Nocturnidad y Alevosía, which will be released on 6 March, 2015.

SON Estrella Galicia

Jay Jay Johanson

When: Thursday 19 March, 10pm

Where: Teatro Lara, Madrid. SON Estrella Galicia

Tickets: Advance €16 – €

Ticket Sales: Ticketea

The popular Swedish musician will visit us as part of a duet (voice/piano) to present his tenth studio album. Jay Jay Johanson doesn’t strictly consider himself a singer. He tells emotional stories, capturing melancholy with a new sensibility. Contemporary and classic simultaneously. He is as heterodox as he is natural in his concerts.

SON Estrella Galicia

Clem Snide (solo)

When: Monday 23 March, 10pm

Where: Teatro del Arte, Madrid. SON Estrella Galicia

Tickets: for a limited period €10

Ticket Sales: Ticketea

Girls Come First is the fifth solo album from Clem Snide, which reveals, more than ever, an autobiographical aura, the personal mark of the author, especially in the lyrics. His live shows also reflect the growing presence of the first person singular, and perhaps that is why he seems more confident and less impassive.

SON Estrella Galicia

Cabo San Roque

When: Thursday 19 March, 10pm

Where: Teatro del Arte, Madrid. SON Estrella Galicia

Tickets: Advance €

Ticket Sales: Ticketea

Roger and Laia have created their most specific work, valid for intimate stagings like Heiner Goebbels as well as to bring the house down in any rock venue. 12 round bouts are reserved for world and continental championships, and it’s there that the guys of Cabo San Roque fight.

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