Paul Tran, Human Resources Director of Hijos de Rivera SAU interview


Paul Tran, Director RRHH Hijos de Rivera

What are Human Resources?

Despite the fact that in the last few years an effort has been made to redefine the role of Human Resources, I believe that deep down it is still the same as always. From my point of view, companies have to manage two very important assets and relate them to each other. On the one hand, the business with its different products and channels, and on the other, an asset whose value is difficult to assess but which always makes all the difference: the employees. In HR we are dedicated to helping make sure the business and our teams are headed in the same direction. In my opinion, the secret lies in adapting our company by means of practical and simple solutions which make sure that our employees can carry out their duties in the best possible professional environment. The key is finding how to link the business to our employees in order to achieve the best result at all times and in every project. Every aspect of our management has an impact, such as the selection of employees who fit in with our culture, training which should make it possible for our employees to grow at the same rate as the company and compensation policies.

What does Compensation mean? Do we all understand it in the same way?

Compensation is not just salary. The concept of compensation is global and includes many aspects. There are some things which are not necessarily of monetary value but are just as important, such as, for example, working hours, working environment, relations with bosses, with colleagues… In the end not everything today is about money and what’s more, it is not necessarily what people most value. Every day there are more of us who want to work in a company where we feel at home, a company which we can identify with because of its values and also where one feels valued. At the end of the day, this facet of people management is evolving, like all the other facets, towards a more and more individualised model. There are people who place more importance on the variable part of their salary because it is directly related to their objectives, and nevertheless, other people place more importance on the work environment, working hours and balance… In the end, at HR we have to anticipate and adapt ourselves to the service asked of us by our organisation’s employees.

What is talent Management?

We are talking about identifying employees in the organisation who have the potential to move forward and those employees who perform their tasks particularly well, so that they receive training in the field that they need and to consider them for new projects. But we are also working to offer more opportunities for continuous training based on each of the collectives within our company. In this respect, we have designed a new structure for the department to give an answer which is more valuable, faster and closer to the different areas of the Company and thereby enabling those in charge to translate these needs to us. It is one of the most important objectives which the whole HR team is working on: to help the organisation promote talent and to help our colleagues reach the highest possible performance rates.

What is an employer brand? How are we going to work on Employee Selection?

We want the Company to have more visibility for possible candidates. In the same way that we have known how to develop our brands’ notoriety as a product, we also want to develop our brand as an employer. Having a good employee selection system is fundamental in order to identify and attract talent from the market. Out of all the HR activities, it is the one which takes up the most of our time but it is fundamental in guaranteeing a good fit with our culture and our way of doing things. We have to be market experts and get in contact with the candidates that may form part of our project in the future. We want to convince them to join us and for this reason we have chosen the slogan Will you come and dream with us?” One of our pivotal elements of the initial stages has been to develop our presence on LinkedIn, where we have created a page for Hijos de Rivera S.A.U. which contains information about our company, its job offers, professions, etc.

Paul Tran, Director de RRHH Hijos de Rivera SAU

Very personal:

Age: 45

Marital Status: married

A meal: a nice stew or any other soup or broth

A drink: the Reserva Especial 1906

Hobbies: cooking and playing the piano

Favourite city: París

A book: Les Misérables / The Lord of the Rings

A film: Forrest Gump

A song: Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen) / La Bohemia (Charles Aznavour) / September (Earth Wind & Fire)

A moment: the birth of my children

A challenge: to be a good father

Something you can’t stand: lateness and passiveness

An excuse: “I was wrong, I’m sorry”

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    Corporación Hijos de Rivera S.L. c/ José María Rivera Corral, nº6. 15008 A GRELA – A CORUÑA

    +34 981 901 906

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