Our Christmas Estrella Galicia 2014 is out

Product LaunchesProducts


Hijos de Rivera launches its traditional Estrella de Navidad (Christmas Estrella), a limited edition beer with which we celebrate the Christmas season with all our consumers.

This week this special 100% malt beer made with our own hops grown on the Centro de Investigaciones Agrarias de Mabegondo (A Coruña) land will begin to appear on the market. Around 263,000 litres of the new beer have been bottled, approximately 850,000 bottles, which will be off-trade throughout Spain.

The Estrella Galicia master brewers have worked once again to channel this 100-year old company’s brewing tradition to create a very special product, reflecting the quality and the know-how of all our beers, and allow the consumer to celebrate the approaching festivities with a premium product, fulfilling all their expectations.

It’s an amber coloured beer with orange tones, high transparency and a generous ivory coloured foam? . It stands out for its malty aroma, but with noticeable toasted hints on the tongue. It’s a beer which contains subtle caramel notes and sweet aromas, but with an agreeable floral, bitter finish which reminds the consumer of the hops used in its creation.

On this occasion, the beer is presented in 6-bottle packs with visible bottle necks, a matt black background, soft to the touch and metallic relief design. As has been the case for a number of seasons, the new Christmas Estrella comes with an easy-open bottle to ease its consumption and, in addition, the bottle collar wishes a Merry Christmas in three languages: Spanish, Galician and English.

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    Corporación Hijos de Rivera S.L. c/ José María Rivera Corral, nº6. 15008 A GRELA – A CORUÑA


    +34 981 901 906

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