Our cultural sponsorship program 12 Miradas, Riverside continues with two new workshops that will take place this autumn. Curro Claret will present his 12 Miradas in the Vilaseco art gallery on Thursday 15th of September and, during the weekend that follows, the third workshop of this cycle will be held at our Custom Drinks facilities in Chantada.
However, until the end of this year we will still be able to enjoy the 12 Miradas of different artists who will give talks at the Vilaseco art gallery. In the coming months it will be Lois Patiño’s, Tomás Alonso’s, Martín Azúa’s and Rodrigo García’s turn.
Concurrently to the workshops and the talks we have decided to bring art closer to our work centres. Therefore the miradas (“views”) of these artists are being exhibited during a one-month period at our different facilities. These exhibitions are being rotated and changed so that they all visit all our work centres, bringing art and creativity closer to day-to-day work.