New agreement with Coruña Cociña


Coruña Cociña- Hijos de Rivera

The agreement with Coruña Cociña, which was presented this morning at the gastronomy fair Fórum Gastronómico, has been designed with the aim of boosting local gastronomy by promoting and supporting activities that place the city of A Coruña on the map as a first class gastronomic destination.

Pablo Pizarro, president of Coruña Cociña, expressed his gratitude on behalf of the organization. The Bocanegra chef sees the agreement as a long-term relationship that will benefit the A Coruña brand, due to the support for local produce, for catering in general, and the work carried out by catering professionals.

Mónica Vizcaíno, Head of Marketing of Hijos de Rivera, stated that “talent, creativity, passion and the desire to innovate are part of our company’s DNA and, as they are the values that Coruña Cociña transmits, I believe that we make an unbeatable team”.

 About Coruña Cociña

This collective works with a cross-disciplinary and collaborative focus, with the objective of adding value to Galician products and Atlantic cuisine, as well as making the city of A Coruña, and the surrounding areas, stand out as a first class gastronomic destination.

The association was set up in February last year, and is currently made up of a total of 15 chefs from the province:

Adrián Felípez (Miga), Álvaro Gantes (O Lagar da Estrella), Ángeles Marzoa (Vinoteca Jaleo), Antonio Amenedo (Pazo de Santa Cruz), Chisco Jiménez (Culuca Cociña-Bar), Diego Bello (Hotel Attica 21), Gorka Rodríguez (A Pulpeira de Melide), Iria Espinosa (Árbore da Veira), Iván Domínguez (Alborada), Javier Freijeiro (Grupo el Huerto), Luís Veira (Árbore da Veira), Moncho Bargo (Prácer), Pablo Gallego (Pablo Gallego), Pablo Pizarro (Bocanegra) and Tino Otero (Aula de Cocina Porto-Muiños).

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    Corporación Hijos de Rivera S.L. c/ José María Rivera Corral, nº6. 15008 A GRELA – A CORUÑA

    +34 981 901 906

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