Nana Pancha wins the Incitus prize for the best catering project of the year

Nana Pancha

The Mexican cantina in A Coruña, Nana Pancha, has been chosen as the winner of the III Premio Incitus, which acknowledges initiatives that in Galicia and based on innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship.  Pepe Solla and Diego Guerrero were in charge of handing the prize at an event where gastronomy was the undeniable protagonist.

The third edition of Incitus is once again sponsored by our brand Estrella Galicia.

Nana Pancha

Incitus, the private non-profit initiative whose aim is to boost the Galician catering sector, has closed its third edition by holding its already well-known gala ceremony. The chefs Diego Guerrero and Pepe Solla were in charge of presenting the prize to Ana Elorza, the person responsible for Nana Pancha, the Mexican cantina project in A Coruña where tradition is mixed with the passion for food and is enjoyed in the shape of a taco. A project which has become the winner at an event where gastronomy, entrepreneurship and innovation were the protagonists. The prize consists of a number of support services top open up the business.

Finca Montesqueiro in Oleiros was the setting where the winner of the third edition of the Incitus was chosen. This edition started last March with almost 40 projects taking part, of which three became finalists. In this edition, all the participants took part in different training events during which Incitus sponsors, professionals and collaborators shared their experience. Estrella Galicia, Cash Records, Cafés Candelas and Caixabank were also an essential part of the prize as, along with other professionals and collaborators, will support the winning project with a series of services so that the it can begin its business venture in the speediest and most inexpensive way.

The jury had to choose among Nana Pancha, Ramen Bar Fuji and Sweet Bit: a Mexican cantina in A Coruña; a Japanese fast-food themed restaurant, and a business specialising in desserts, respectively. Nana Pancha was the winning project thanks to its innovation, differentiation and commitment as, for Incitus, all these characteristics “together with a solid brand image and a point of sale with its individual and differentiated personality are the tools that will guarantee the success of the business,” according to Orlando Cotado, president of the association.


About Incitus

Incitus is a private, non-profit initiative that was created by a number of companies that believe in the professionalization and revitalisation of the catering sector in Galicia. The Premios Incitus support projects in Galicia based on innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship along with a solid brand image and a point of sale with an individual, differentiated personality as tools that will guarantee the business’ success.

In its third edition, Incitus once again has Estrella Galicia, Cash Record, Cafés Candelas and Caixabank as sponsors. It also has the collaboration of sector entrepreneurs and professionals, who participate in the development of the projects, be they new or existing projects that need restructuring.

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