Our MEGA exhibition space presents its special winter activities in which it invites people to celebrate Carnival and pays homage to monastic beers with a custom proposal.

MEGA offers beer lovers a series of original proposals with which to accompany the winter ina playful and informative way. At Carnival time, our museum invites you to approach the brewing world with a different perspective accompanied by a tailor-made gastronomic offer.
Hence, on 21 and 22 February MEGA will celebrate Carnival with a proposal of a night-time guided tour full of surprises. The brewery trompe l’oeil will challenge the visitor’s perceptions and the tour will conclude with a tailor-made gastronomic tasting by a chef from Coruña Cociña.
A month later, on March 21, Monastic Beers will be the protagonists. A themed guided tour will precede a tasting of monastic beer varieties paired with cheeses and tasting of a dish inspired by monastic style.
These thematic proposals complete the traditional educational offer and interested parties can access all of them by registering through the website:www.mundoestrellagalicia.es