Josemi Carmona, the duet Clavileño (José Luis Montón and David González) and Johnny Jiménez and Sabú Porrina, protagonists of the “I Jornadas 1906 de Guitarra Española” (“I 1906 Spanish Guitar Sessions”)


The adjective “historic” could be used to describe the “I Jornadas 1906 de Guitarra Española” which took place on October 3 and 4, very near Madrid. A milestone for the genre. The first Spanish guitar festival in Madrid’s history, in the broadest sense of the word, was held on the beautiful and unbeatable Molino del Manto stage.

1906 Reserva Especial premium beer collaborated in the initiative thought up by Iñigo Osset (El Molino del Manto) and Pablo San Nicasio ( so that what many consider the “ninth Andalusian province” and others “the capital of flamenco”, could have its own festival with a Spanish touch.

I Jornadas 1906 de Guitarra Española_01©Jaime Massieu

Everything was a first at an event which included important names from the guitar world and an extraordinary artistic group. The line-up was created to fit the event, with the guitar as the central element, and included the perfect combination of classic and flamenco guitar of the duo “Clavileño” (José Luis Montón-David González), the novelties and potential of flamenco-jazz from Johnny Jiménez and Sabú Porrina, as well as the eclectic finish from Josemi Carmona, shining star of the saga from Granada, also represented by Juan on percussion and Carlos as second guitar.

This “Jornadas 1906 de Guitarra Española” (“I 1906 Spanish Guitar Sessions”) was led by Juan Luis Cano as master of ceremonies, at an event immortalised by the pictures taken by one of the most interesting photographers in the flamenco world: Paco Manzano.

I Jornadas 1906 de Guitarra Española_02©Jaime Massieu1

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