Our company completes its offer of import craft beers and consolidates its position as distributor in Spain with the addition of the De Halve Maan beers, one of the most emblematic artisan beer groups in Europe since the 19thcentury.

We strengthen our distribution beer offer with the addition of four beers from the De Halve Maan group, which our company will exclusively sell both on and off-trade in Spain. The beers in question are the brands Straffe Hendrik and Brugse Zot, with the latter also being distributed in Portugal.
With the addition of Halve Maan, we complete our offer of imported craft beers, and we consolidate our position as distributor in Spain, adding new prestigious references to our catalogue, which already has such renown names like BrewDog, Erdinger, Grolsch, O’Hara’sand Peroni.
De Halve Maan is one the most emblematic artisan beer groups in Europe. Founded in the Belgian city of Bruges in the 19thcentury, De Halve Maan, (“The Half Moon”) is a beer family saga. Its founder, Leon Maes, bought business premises in Walplein (Bruges) square in 1856, know as “The Moon” in which beer was brewed and sold, and he soon adapted production to changing tastes.
His brother took over, acquired more knowledge and invested in the brewery to produce new styles of beer such as Porter, Stouts and Pale Ale, a clear bet for the project that his descendants knew how to grow, even during the worst years between the two World Wars.In the 80s, the company launched its most emblematic beer, Straffe Hendrik, which soon became a cult phenomenon. After a number of problems, including the sale and re-acquisition of the brand, the Maes family began a refurbishment of the brewery, opened its own museum and launched new brands like Brugse Zot. In 2016 it inaugurated one of its most peculiar features, an underground pipe measuring 3.2 km connecting the production centre and the new bottling plant in the outskirts. The Halve Maan brewery is still located in the centre of Bruges and is one of the most frequently visited in Belgium.