Hijos de Rivera consolidates its commitment to young talent and doubles the number of places in its Dual FP Programme in 2022

FP Dual 2022 Hijos de Rivera

After the success of previous editions, Hijos de Rivera will expand its Dual FP program to 59 participants, increasing the number of grants to enhance the talent and professional insertion of young people in Galicia.

Since its start in 2017, the year in which we started this programme with a total of 30 places, until today, 75 participants from nine different degrees have passed, with an average hiring rate of 60%.

“Building the future with the best talent is one of the priorities at Hijos de Rivera, hence the commitment to the professional development of people and to continue working on quality training. Therefore, we expanded our training programme that will continue to provide opportunities for young talent,” says José Yera, HR director of Hijos de Rivera.

After the success of previous courses, Hijos de Rivera has announced that for 2022 it will continue with its Dual FP programme, in which it has already increased the number of places to 59. Our company, therefore, continues with its work to consolidate the grants and internships training programme with the aim of maximizing the talent and professionalism of young people in Galicia.

Since 2017 when it was first implemented, 75 participants from nine different degrees have gone through this programme at Hijos de Rivera, with an average of 60% being taken on. The expansion of places for 2022 is a firm commitment to training focused on the development of students in the workplace.

“Building the future with the best talent is one of the priorities at Hijos de Rivera, hence the commitment to the professional development of people and to continue working on quality training. That is why we are expanding our training programme, which will continue to provide opportunities for young talent,” says José Yera, HR director of Hijos de Rivera.

Most of the profiles that have been incorporated in recent years have done so within the brewery of A Grela (A Coruña) and the facilities of Aguas de Cabreiroá (Verín), also with a presence in other areas of the company. This promotes local employment and the improvement of the participants’ professional skills.

The objective is to continue expanding the offer to the different areas where the company operates, extending it to other areas, work centres and to all the companies of the group where it is possible.

The Dual FP programme and the rest of the actions aimed at promoting employability and young talent are part of the positive impact project of Hijos de Rivera, which brings together the measures carried out in a transversal way in the company to take care of people and the planet, their origin and the work with their allies.  With this global sustainability strategy, the Galician company emphasizes its commitment to the global and local environment, seeking new solutions constantly to continue improving its performance every day.

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    Corporación Hijos de Rivera S.L. c/ José María Rivera Corral, nº6. 15008 A GRELA – A CORUÑA


    +34 981 901 906

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