Galician chefs yesterday analysed the challenges of a hospitality industry with a positive impact at an event held in Vigo

EventsExperiencesGastronomyMundo HR @en

In collaboration with the NOVE Group, our brand Estrella Galicia held yesterday on the esplanade of the Vigo Yacht Club the event ‘Hospitality with Positive Impact’. A meeting open to the public in which great names in the Galician hospitality industry analysed and shared their commitments and good practices to generate a real positive impact with their businesses.

Thanks to this agreement between our brand Estrella Galicia and the hospitality group Grupo NOVE, the commitment of the Galician hospitality industry with the generation of a positive impact has reached the streets alongside an initiative that values the work that the sector is doing in terms of sustainability.

Pepe Solla, Julio Sotomayor, Pepe Vieira and Álvaro Villasante, protagonists of this informative event, gave different masterclasses on responsible consumption, process improvement and optimisation of resources to make hospitality businesses more sustainable.

Below, we indicate the different presentations offered by the chefs.

  • Pepe Solla Masterclass: “Efficient Hospitality”
  • Julio Sotomayor Masterclass: “Supporting origin”
  • Pepe Vieira Masterclass: “The organic garden”
  • Álvaro Villasante Masterclass: “Recycle, reuse, reduce”

In this eagerly awaited exclusive event held in the surroundings of the Náutico, in front of the Montero Ríos gardens, 40 professionals from hospitality associations of Galicia participated and were able to discuss the topics mentioned in round tables with the four prestigious Galician chefs, all of them linked to the NOVE group. In addition, dozens of members from the general public were able to attend these presentations and debates until full capacity was reached.

With the celebration of this event, Estrella Galicia and NOVE reaffirm their willingness to work together on projects that generate a positive impact on the local community, support social cuisine, protect the environment and promote healthy cooking.

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