Half way between architecture and sculpture, the versatile Portuguese creator Fernanda Fragateiro, will share her universe from 13 to 15 September in Galicia.
Hijos de Rivera will offer grants to 12 students who will take part in this workshop, for which enrolment begins on 8 July. It is the third workshop of the 2019 edition of our social commitment project, Riverside, programmed by 12miradasby the Laboratorio Creativo Vilaseco and commissioned by Carlos Quintáns.

Our workshop programme Riverside (our social commitment project to foster art and creativity) announces its third workshop in its 2019 edition which will be led by the Portuguese artist Fernanda Fragateiro. From 13 to 15 September, twelve students will have the opportunity to share their space and experiences with the artist in the surroundings of the Ribeira Sacra, with the facilities of Custom Drinksin Chantada, where Maeloc ciders are made, as their base.
Fernanda Fragateiro is a versatile artist that researches materials, objects, and spaces, transforming them, bringing them to life, and revealing their hidden story. Working in a tridimensional field, and challenging the tension between sculpture and architecture, the works of Fragateiro strengthen the relationships with each location, plunging the spectator into a performative situation. Her sculpture and architectonic works in unexpected places (a monastery, an orphanage, a dilapidated house …) and subtle alterations to existing landscapes reveal buried stories about construction and transformation.
The Ribeira Sacra offers a magical place for the artist to work and develop all her creativity alongside twelve students who will receive grants from Hijos de Rivera, sharing the experience of living together in such a particular space, where landscape and nature act as creative references, using human and natural resources that the surroundings have to offer.
During the workshop, the artist will analyse her work, focusing on their intention, and establishing a dialogue with the participants’ own ideas. The immediate surroundings will be examined and interpreted in order to connect with such a significant space like
Ribeira Sacra.
Enrolment will start on Monday 8 July. This workshop is aimed at architects, landscape architects, and plastic artists. The maximum number of places available is 12, all with grants from Hijos de Rivera.
Fernanda Fragateiro will also share her own 12miradas(12 gazes) in the Galería Vilaseco, A Coruña, on Thursday 12 September at 8:30pm.

Fernanda Fragateiro, 1962, Montijo, Portugal
Studied at the Escola Superior de Belas Artes de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal (1983-1987); ARCO, Centro de Arte e Comunicaçao, Lisbon, Portugal (1981-1982); Escola de Artes DecorativasAntónio Arroio, Lisbon, Portugal (1978-1981)
After her first solo exhibitions in Germany, the UK, and Spain, and her participation in the Architecture Triennial, in Lisbon (2010) and in Dublin Contemporary (2011) she has become one of the most interesting voices on the European scene. Fragateiro’s projects are characterized by a keen interest in re-thinking and probing modernist practices. Her practice involves an archaeology into modernism’s social, political and aesthetic history through on-going research with archival matter, materials and objects.
Fragateiro’s work has been exhibited at the National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art (Rome, 2019, 2018, 2017), Santo Tirso International Museum of Modern Sculpture (Santo Tirso, 2018), Centro Botín (Santander, 2018), Miguel Urrutia Art Museum (Bogotá, 2018), Anozero – Biennial of Contemporary Art in Coimbra (Coimbra, 2017), Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology (Lisbon, 2017), Fundação Eugénio de Almeida (Evora, 2017, 2015), Palm Springs Art Museum (2016), Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (Lisbon, 2016, 2012, 2004), among others.